06.06.2013 12:58 PM

Crack Mayor: they’re getting closer

From Gawker. A certain chief magistrate won’t be sleeping well, tonight:

We have also learned that the video of Ford smoking crack cocaine was recorded inside that home on the same night the photo was taken…

A source who knows both Basso and Ford tells Gawker that the men are longtime friends, and that Ford has been a frequent visitor to 15 Windsor over the years. According to this source, the video of Ford smoking crack was recorded there at some point six to eight months ago during one of Ford’s “binges.” “He’s been doing it for years,” the source said of Ford’s trip to the house. “They go down in the basement and party.” The source said he would frequently hear Fabio complain, after Ford’s visits, “Rob and my sister kept me up all night.”

On the night the video was recorded, the source said, Basso’s mother was out of town. Ford came over, and “some kids from the neighborhood”—by which the source meant the nearby housing complex at 320 Dixon Rd. where Ford would later tell his staff he believed the video was being stored—were called over to supply the group with crack. At one point, the group—which included Anthony Smith and Muhammad Khattak, who were later shot in March outside a Toronto nightclub—asked Ford for a picture. (I should note here that one of our sources on this story has repeatedly insisted that Smith was not personally involved in the drug trade.)

When Fabio objected to a photograph being taken inside his home, someone suggested they go outside. “Ford ran outside like a schoolgirl to have that picture taken,” the source, who was not present but heard about the evening’s events later, told Gawker.

Ford and the boys at 15 Windsor Road, the night the video was shot.


  1. Michael S says:

    Ford had better be worried about a certain schoolgirl, especially if any harm comes to her.

    • rockgolf says:

      Presumably you refer to Jasmin, the granddaughter of the Bassos, who may be the source of the first allegation of Ford’s crack use in March.

  2. patrick says:

    Binge partier. Sounds right. It will be quite ugly when he is found dead from his good times. I suppose his addiction will be blamed on the horrible bullying he suffered while mayor from the pinko press.

    • Ted B says:

      How exactly is it “horrible bullying” if it’s all true – i.e. that the mayor while in office was regularly breaking the law and regularly cavorting with and paying money to drug dealers – and the press were just investigating and reporting on it?

      Isn’t that the very essence of the value of a free press? To keep public officials to account?

      • Ted B says:

        I know I know… don’t feed the trolls. But the level of nonsense of Ford Nation in trying to find excuses is really quite unbelievable.

      • The Other Jim says:

        Ummm, I’m pretty sure that Patrick was mocking the de facto Ford Nayshun response, not trolling.

        • Cath says:

          So Ted B. what happened to Sarah Thompson’s big BIG Rob Ford crack video reveal you linked this group to the other day?

  3. Myles Kesten says:

    Gees Warren,

    The City came in hundreds of millions under budget.

    Whatever the Mayor is smoking maybe he should share it with Queen’s Park.

  4. Sean says:

    My mother hit the nail on the head with her comment that she “felt sad watching this extremely unhealthy, erratic man slowly self destructing in front of the cameras”. Politics aside, the entire situation must be incredibly painful for his family / friends who are not privy to the inside part of this madness. Its only going to get worse until he finds the courage to fess up, get some help, accept the reality that he is probably facing jail time and that the political career is over. Over for him and his brother. The people around him need to understand that anyone who hasn’t resigned by this point will be wearing this for the rest of their career. It is time for them to stop playing as if this is normal crisis comms time. They are all past the point where this is definitely one of the biggest political disasters in Canadian history.

    • ray says:

      I disagree. WE will be the ones wearing what this sack of shit leaves behind. You can’t peel this slime off the walls by waiting around for nature to take it’s course. If action removed him NOW then we might forward when a new boss is elected. Asking this psychopath to “fess up, get help and accept reality” is moral equivalence of the worst kind. He would never cut you a sliver of slack if the situation were reversed.

      • Sean says:

        Well its all fine and dandy to theorise about dumping the guy. However as far as I know there is no legal mechanism to do this. Council can’t just remove him. Municipal Act *as far as I know* only allows the entire city to be taken over by the province and I don’t think we are there yet.

  5. steve says:

    For some reason fringe members of Ford Nation read this blog. Maybe to keep their anger at a boil. Rob Fords latest talking point is that he has saved the city a billion dollars. This is not an actual saving, this is an imaginary saving based upon his projected spending estimates if Millar had a second term.
    And in a lovely way above Warren points out the only reason for surplus is a tax brought in by David Miller he promised to abolish.

    • tf says:

      Suppose what Ford says is true, that he did save the city a billion dollars…would that make a difference?
      Would that make his behaviour acceptable?
      “Who cares what he does in his off hours, as long as he keeps taxes low he can do what he wants.”
      The majority of voters must think that way or he’d be long gone.

  6. Mikki says:

    He actually used the word “trust” in that people should just trust him with their tax dollars without asking for any proof that he’s done what he’s said he has done.
    Firstly, Miller left Ford a surplus that was over 350 million dollars. So now Toronto has a lower surplus, has less services, and their property taxes have been raised twice. His operating budget has gone up, and his budgeting uses some sort of fictitious scenario where he imagines what would happen if someone who isn’t mayor was mayor.

    Ford nation = takes Ford at his word that he saved 1 billion dollars and lowered taxes despite OVERWHELMING evidence, including reports from his allies in city hall. 3 different journalists watch a video, the allegations are supported by comments from staffers who have left city hall, 5 people resigned, 1 was fired, there was a shooting in the apartment building where the video was allegedly stored and a home invasion at the house where the photo was taken. All just a coincidence.

    That’s the problem with this situation. Blind loyalty means taking a liar at his word and calling everything else a ‘coincidence’.

  7. Buck says:

    What exactly do we call a “source, who was not present but heard about the evening’s events later”?

    We do not call them a source. That person can say anything.

    They are not held to any standard.

    “I didn’t say he did it, but only that someone told me he did”.

    An unnamed source, repeating what another unnamed source said.

    By the way, if they can do this to him, they can do it to you.

  8. ROFL, now Warren has cult sites springing up about him. I wonder how long before he is photo-shopped onto the ‘grassy knoll’? You know you made the big times when….

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