07.04.2013 08:15 AM

The New York Post’s Egyptian haiku

People ask me how I can write for a tabloid.  I say:  “How could I not?”

A classic, here.  (And more on Egypt, and related matters, in this Sunday’s Sun column. Yes, a tabloid.)


  1. billg says:

    Its not the tabloid that bothers so called progressives, its because its a right leaning tabloid.

  2. Sean says:

    Not a fan of the Sun’s politics.

    But…. hands down the best sports section in Canada. Most stats / best opinion / best photography and excellent local coverage, especially for a big city daily. The Toronto Sun should be running it’s own Sports Journalism school.

  3. Peter Mumford says:

    The New York Post tabloid had a great headline in the early 80’s: “Headless body found in topless bar.” Truly, a peak that may never be scaled again.

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