08.30.2013 04:09 PM


…not the changes referred to in the last-day-in-Maine post, below. For those impatient to hear what “big changes” mean, stay tuned. They are indeed big, and it is my fervent hope they will give various critics a collective heart attack.

In the meantime, one big change is underway this historic weekend: Daughter has arrived at Dal. Her very sad Dad was made sadder when, while sitting on the dock, he looked down and saw her initials carved in the wood.

As one philosopher once said, life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.



  1. Evan says:

    Crossing the floor?

  2. boopsie says:

    Think I get it…will wait to see

  3. WilliamT says:

    Can’t ‘Fight the Right’ trying to sail on a sinking barge. Time to jump ship?

  4. Other Hockey Dad says:

    Pretty sure it’s his own show on SunTV….heads will explode.

    • The Doctor says:

      Crossfire with Ezra. A sure ratings winner.

    • Swervin' Merv says:

      … and they will change the network name to DaisyTV in another attempt to win mandatory carriage status from CRTC.

      • Swervin' Merv says:

        The giveaway, by the way, is the reference to “critics,” as in TV land. A change in political circles would cause political “commentators” to take notice.

  5. deb s says:

    as for more changes, I think Warren is announcing his engagement to Lala, congrats if im right1

  6. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    Could it be……you’re going to throw yer hat in the ring for the Lib. nomination for Toronto Centre?…oh please oh please oh please……(well forgive the past commentary on journalists in politics)…..

  7. dforthandbview says:

    I think “big changes” is a typo and what he meant was there are “big charges” coming. Fords, I’m looking in your direction.

  8. Todd Robson says:

    Am I the only one here to acknowledge the excellent use of a Ferris Bueller quote?

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