10.07.2013 07:53 AM

I’m co-hosting the Sun News Network Nova Scotia election coverage tomorrow

Tune in!


  1. W the K - No, not Warren says:

    Man oh man, that logo says alot

  2. Michael Radan says:

    Polls are showing a 33% Liberal lead. So we all know what that means……NDP majority.

  3. frmr disgruntled Con now Happy Lib says:

    I hope yer prognostications(and everyone else’s) are better for Nova Scotia than they were for BC……….sorry…….;)

    • Warren says:

      No apology necessary! I was right on Alberta, but boy oh boy did I get it wrong on BC. And I deserve (still) every mocking comment I get!

      • david ray says:

        If the libs are more likely to get justice for Rehtaeh Parsons then I hope they win cause the current bunch are dragging their feet big time.

  4. dave says:

    Last May, election day in BC, \I surfed news channels about 4 hours before polls closed. I looked at Suntv about 20 minutes, and it looked like solid pro BCLibs ads pretending to be news. Later, half hour or so before poll closing, surfed again, and again the two talking heads on Suntv looked to be doing BCLib ads. It looked to me as if Suntv does political advertising for one party on election day.

  5. WDM says:

    Liberals – 36
    NDP – 11
    PCs – 5

    NDP holds onto some of the furniture in Metro, PCs lose their seats in Cape Breton, but gain a couple in their traditional base in the rural mainland. Liberals everywhere else.

  6. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:

    If you’re doing this on-site in Halifax rather than in Toronto, I hope you get to spend a bit of time with your young’un. I’m looking forward to a McNeil victory, to be followed by a Brian Gallant Liberal victory in New Brunswick.

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