Musings —11.05.2013 03:51 PM
—Mayor On Crack? Yes, mayor on crack.
When I wrote this song a few months back, I added the question mark, because none of us were too sure if it was true. Guess it was.
A new version is being prepared right now. No question mark, this time.
Not only is the mayor on crack, but the Harper hockey book is actually done:
What a day. suggests that the second video is a Rob Ford sex tape. Now that’s some crack I don’t want to see.
This second crack scandal may prove harder to hide than the first.
Ford approval rating 43%
Obama approval rating 37%
Your approval rating: -1000%
“Like Obama, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Admits to Cocaine Use”
“Obama discussed his own cocaine abuse in his book Dreams From My Father.”
can’t wait for the movie
Heard a Doctor call in to CFRB. She says that the original confession was made by someone high on Coke. If you think about it in context it really makes sense. No straight person would have handled the situation in such an impromptu way.
there is only one person who fix this and the sooner the better.