Daryl uses a Stryker Strykezone 380. My friends all pitched in and got me one because of the show. I don’t hunt, and Daryl’s not even my favorite character, but it’s fun to practice with.
He used the Horton Scout for most of the series. Michonne grabbed the Stryker from Morgan’s stash in the episode “Clear” (S03E12). Daryl started using it in the episode when Rick has the sitdown with the Govenor.
Walking Dead is about 20 minutes of file and the rest is filler. its another version of “cowboys and indians” or getting people into the mind set of surviving the “end of days”. Warren in you live in Canada, loose the drawl. Its not good to watch too many of those american shows, you might want a cowboy hat like the kid and a gun in a holster.
Or it can just be an entertaining hour long drama with zombies based on a comic book. Not everything is a social engineering plot by the CIA, Free Masons or Illuminati.
I felt the same way after watching all of Breaking Bad over a 4 week period. I just cannot imagine going back to waiting for a week to see ‘the next episode’
I will endeavour to wear better clothes and comb my hair.
Wow. Did the same thing three months ago and am now jonesing for a crossbow 🙂
Daryl uses a Stryker Strykezone 380. My friends all pitched in and got me one because of the show. I don’t hunt, and Daryl’s not even my favorite character, but it’s fun to practice with.
Get me one! How much?
Oh dear. I just had a vision of both Ford brothers lashed to a tree with apples on top of their heads and Warren with only one arrow.
He used the Horton Scout for most of the series. Michonne grabbed the Stryker from Morgan’s stash in the episode “Clear” (S03E12). Daryl started using it in the episode when Rick has the sitdown with the Govenor.
They won’t ship it to Canada!
My bad. I thought it was amazon.ca.
Canadian source of crossbows. Be careful out there.
ray in kingston
I keep worrying about where Carl is.
daryl is awesome!
They are going to have to run sooner or later.
Welcome to the Ricktatorship! Best show on TV, now that Braking Bad has ended.
…”Breaking” not Braking
Being half-Japanese I have a special affection for Michonne and her skills with the katana. She wields it well.
Walking Dead is about 20 minutes of file and the rest is filler. its another version of “cowboys and indians” or getting people into the mind set of surviving the “end of days”. Warren in you live in Canada, loose the drawl. Its not good to watch too many of those american shows, you might want a cowboy hat like the kid and a gun in a holster.
Ironic that Rick and the “Governor” are both from the UK with British accents!
Or it can just be an entertaining hour long drama with zombies based on a comic book. Not everything is a social engineering plot by the CIA, Free Masons or Illuminati.
I felt the same way after watching all of Breaking Bad over a 4 week period. I just cannot imagine going back to waiting for a week to see ‘the next episode’