02.13.2014 03:33 PM

GTHL Penguins 1998 A

Anyone reading this? Don’t sign with pair who are “coaching” now. Email me if you want details.

They’re bad, bad news.


  1. Sean says:

    come on! tell us the deets online!

  2. Other Hockey Dad says:

    GTHL deets are always available at http://www.network54.com/Forum/672359/ if you’re brave enough….you think online political discourse is tough….N54 is ruthless.

  3. Kaiser Helmets 'n Motorbikes says:

    Stay away from minor hockey politics Warren, you are waaaaay under qualified!

    PS: Unless they are playing AAA in the GTHL or the ODMHA, etc, it is insane to waste more than one second in this swamp, play house league and have fun!

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