Musings —03.26.2014 07:00 PM
—Olivia won the second hour of the debate, too!
The second hour of the Toronto mayoralty debate was a lot like the first: Olivia Chow dominated!
The pundits agree that Olivia Chow was the only candidate who took on Rob Ford directly. Meanwhile, all the other candidates tried to take on Olivia – and failed.
Don’t just take our word for it – here is what the pundits and the press have to say:
“I thought she had a very strong performance. She was the only one going after Mayor Rob Ford.” – John Stall, 680 News
“Tory replies with a major nose stretcher – [says] he’s never backed any [revenue] tools.” – John Lorinc, Globe & Mail
“Ford: ‘We haven’t had one union strike.’ False. There was a library workers’ strike.” – Daniel Dale, Toronto Star
“I thought [Olivia] was best when she set herself up as the defender of the city.” – Charlie Gillis, Macleans
“Ford: ‘We’ve created 57,000 jobs.’ Misleading. Jobs # was up 57k last year, has since dropped by about 50k – now just 6,000 jobs.” – Daniel Dale, Toronto Star
“Tory says he’ll have a complete plan later.”- David Nickle, Toronto Community News
“Yikes, #RobFord again exaggerates his record on keeping taxes low. Untrue Toronto’s have been kept lower than any other city.” – Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
“Ford: ‘We have the lowest tax increase’ of any North American city. False.” – Daniel Dale, Toronto Star
“Tory double speak.” – Greg Elmer, Research Chair, Ryerson University
“I think Olivia connected. A lot of people were thinking the same thing. [Rob Ford], you’ve got to go.” – John Stall, 680 News
“Chow ends: ‘Time for change.'” – Daniel Dale, Toronto Star
Really wish the drama could get turned down two notches.
Ford’s an idiot. We’ve been hearing about it for years, we get it.
There’s seven months to go, people. Chill out.
And for God’s sake, Tory, wear a damn tie. You’re not kidding anyone.
This is not a campaign, it’s a reality show. What an epic fail for the city of Toronto. I am so glad I live in Mississauga.
With respect, what the pundits and media say doesn’t matter.
Ford supporters will automatically discount anything and everything the MSM, especially the Star says.
While Dale is correct the library workers did go on strike, when they realized nobody gave, a crap they quickly returned to the table and reached a settlement.
Just listening to 680 News and John Staal was on.
Rob Ford won the debate, Olivia Chow second.
I can’t believe Chow & Tory let Ford walk away with this debate.
Warren, please forward my advice to Olivia:
The ability to ask a question to Rob on live TV is a privilege NOT to be wasted with an open-ended question. He can and will lie his way out of it.
Next time Olivia gets this opportunity, ask a simple, direct question. For example:
“You have said on multiple occasions that private businesses have been knocking on your door to fund your subway projects. Name one of these businesses.”
And as soon as he starts to wiggle. “Name one.”
It was like watching seagulls fighting over spilled fries in a parking lot.
At least we know that RoFo’s strategy is to mindlessly repeat the same scripted Big Lies.