Musings —04.23.2014 07:56 AM
—Da Brudders: 38 years ago today
Bjorn reminded me Da Brudders first LP – my fave ever, still – came out 38 years ago today. Here they are in Arturo Vega’s loft in 1975, around the time that a teenage misfit in Calgary was starting to hear about them. God-like geniuses. Can’t believe it’s been almost 40 frigging years.
I saw The Ramones opening for Iggy Pop at Le Plateau in Montreal in 1977. It was a great double header but at the time I was more of a Ramones fan so I remember them better from my Brador and pot induced haze. Today, if I were forced to pick between the two bands albums to have on a desert Island I’d go with Iggy.
I have owned multiple copies of said record. It was a staple in my record collection since 1976.
Yikes, that means we are about the same age. However, I was only just barely a teenager in 1975 and never really went for the whole punk thing. At that time I was just being initiated into a group not so affectionately referred to as The Heads. I still had to wear glasses then and had a thick, lake-head accent so I had to work twice as hard as the other kids to appear cool while wasted. Kits Point, Spanish Banks and Wreck Beach were our hang-outs and Jethro Tull and Yes were my heroes.
Speaking of stoned, could you answer me a question Mr Kinsella? Is Sun News simply pulling another stunt like they did with the Ford brothers, or is it possible the producers were unaware that Faith Goldy is an animated psychotic, badly in need of a 50 kilovolt jolt across her frontal lobes? On today’s spectacle formerly called The Arena I fully expected her to start barking while she was sputtering on about gays in Catholic schools. She really needs therapy, or something…
I first saw them in 79 at a CNE event headlined by Ted Nugent and Aerosmith. They got booed. I thought they were awesome.
A young woman, not much past being a girl, had a Ramones T-Shirt on today in the grocery store lineup this afternoon. I told her it was the 38th anniversary. She said interesting. I smiled and waved and left with my provisions.
The Event you are referring to was The Canada Jam, fashioned after Cal Jams. I was there too. Ramones only played three songs. They not only got booed but stuff was thrown at them. They were the best band there and I was pissed. BTW (as if anyone should care) -my favourite Ramones song is “I Don’t Care”. Maybe Warren Could use the song for an Anti-Ford ad?
Lyrics: “I don’t care”. Back-up singers “He (Ford) don’t care. Just saying’. Imagine the related graphics. Back to reality.