04.22.2014 09:42 AM

SFH, mid-scream – plus, This Ain’t Ford Fest on Saturday!

From left: Bjorn Von Flapjack III, Royal Niblet, Ras Winkie Smith at CUP fundraiser – at which (we’re told) $700 came from donated merch.

This Saturday: come see us and others at the This Ain’t Ford Fest! Our new record will be on sale – and you’ll be shocked at who attends! (My nutty daughter will be staffing the merch table, for example.) (And Cola Heads, who rock, maaaan.)

1 Comment

  1. Hammer Dom says:

    Go see this band brothers and sisters….I had a sex change that was less life-affecting! Clap loud enough they urinate on the audience. Show up naked they’ll buy you diner. Wear a sombrero and play along with the band! Hell of a good time. Don’t forget…diaper, cash, sunglasses…

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