04.01.2014 01:30 AM

Well, that’s that

Single again. Weird.

I think I was destined grow old in the company of dogs. Anyway, carry on.



  1. Warren's Best Friend says:

    Considering you just interviewed her on Sun News, I call April Fool’s.

  2. MississaugaPeter says:

    April Fools Joke I Hope.

  3. Dogs.
    100 % loyal.
    That is all.

  4. Dogs. 100 % loyal.
    That is all.

  5. James curran says:

    That would be for the birds.

  6. Chris says:

    Gonna make for an awkward day at work.

  7. Tyrone says:

    Is she leaving you to raise ducks?

  8. Tired of it All says:

    Wait. You tried to go orange, and were rebuffed. You now have no political home…

  9. James Bowie says:


  10. Niall says:

    Not sure what your post was about WK,
    but I hope it was an April 1 prank.

    & Muggsy

  11. frmr disgruntled Con now happy Lib says:

    Say it taint so, Mr. K!…….but Happy April Fools anyways……

  12. david ray says:

    can i have she who is so lovely’s telephone number seeing as you won’t need it anymore or not 🙂

  13. Swervin' Merv says:

    If just an April Fools’ joke, why has her SFH album cover shot suddenly disappeared from the left sidebar?

  14. Gwyneth Robb says:

    Campaigns are hard on relationships…but at least one romance blossoms in a campaign – at least that used to be so – but I’m 80 so how the hell would I know. Sorry to hear your news.

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