Musings —11.19.2014 07:45 PM
—Dennis Mills in the Globe, on that rumour thing
Mr. Kinsella said in an email Wednesday that a number of senior Liberal party members have urged him to seek a nomination and to run in the 2015 election. Among them, he said, is Dennis Mills ,who held Toronto-Danforth for the Liberals for 16 years before being defeated by Mr. Layton, the former NDP leader, in 2004.
“I’m giving it serious thought,” said Mr. Kinsella. “It’s a big decision. I’m very concerned about the direction the country is going in, and I believe (Liberal Leader Justin) Trudeau is on track to win back the confidence of Canadians.”
Mr. Mills said he believed Mr. Kinsella would make an excellent MP because of his experience, his knowledge of public policy, and his passion for Canada. “I think that he would be a great parliamentarian,” said Mr. Mills. “He has had a long, long apprenticeship in serving every region of our country.”
You good Liberal, older farts could cause a shit storm for Trudeau. You are so much bigger than Ianno and Innes.
Although he was an important Kennedy supporter in 2006 when Trudeau made his first political appearance, I would be equally impressed and surprised if Dennis Mills was Trudeau’s mouthpiece or had Trudeau’s ear.
If you have actually been green-lighted, there is hope for Trudeau and those around him. I for one, would immediately stop questioning Trudeau’s tactics if such an event has actually occurred.
Then their War Room of hipsters + the legit CalgaryGrit must be going crazy trying to assess what to do next.
I don’t want to put you on the spot, so please delete this reply if you wish, but would you do if you were them?
Jim Coutts tried to get elected to Parliament and lost. Some people are wired to be in elected office; others are wired to help them get there. Barney the Dinosaur, The Flintstone’s isn’t a documentary, … these are signature lines emblazoned in the memories of millions of Canadians. The art of a backroom wizard of the dark art of winning elections. The spotlight washes away their inherent power and makes avatars out of past political backroom deities which cannot function in the real world of compromise politics on Parliament Hill. Forever destined to wallow in the entanglements of lesser beings without the freedom to take flight to smite opponents unless they hide in a broom closet until the frightening cacophony of battle subsides.
Stay free, speak freely, help free us all. Do not limit the arena in which your ferocious, unyielding, and sharpened tongue can be unleashed to slay the beast that threatens Canada.
Having said that, an MP pension would be nice.
Geepers! If Mr Mills (who should have run for Mayor of Teaho BTW) says Go For it, I might even take the GO Train across the shores of the Don to canvas.
Hm. I am guessing that you would not have posted twice so noncommittally if you weren’t strongly leaning that way. Anyway, The riding is a logical choice. It is winnable if you canvas hard. For which there is plenty of time. But the real question for you is whether it is worth it.
Boy that’s quite a rip Gloria Galloway and Adam Radwanski gave you. And we all know where Gloria gets her inside news from. I’d say the knives are out already.
.. consult Mark Twain ..
I think it is good idea but select the Riding with care. I would choose a northern GTA area.
You bet. Toronto-Danforth is ripe for a Liberal win, with the right candidate. An abrasive, loudmouth war-room politico is not the right candidate to win over left-wing (as opposed to “left leaning”) voters in a long-time NDP riding.
Mr Mills represented the riding for almost 20 years & only lost to Saint Layton by a slim margin; this despite having to run under the Martin Banner. Who’s the NDP MP again? What about that so-called SAFE NDP seat of Trinity Spadina with a so called STAR NDP candidate? Who knows how the 2015 Election will go, the only known is all bets are off and most so-called safe seats are not.
I think, ultimately, Robin says it right: “Stay free, speak freely, help free us all. Do not limit the arena in which your ferocious, unyielding, and sharpened tongue can be unleashed to slay the beast that threatens Canada.” (Though I might have replaced “speak freely” with “step lightly”…just a Clash thing.)
By all means, run if you think you should. But your power is very much in your freedom to speak your mind, a mind and an outspokenness that being an MP would necessarily cause to be curbed.
WK – interesting points on both sides as mentioned already – family is the biggest imo.
All things considered I still say, Just Do It.