12.31.2014 05:34 PM

Predictions about 2015, and confessions about 2014

Some of 2014 was kind of meh. I can now reveal, for example, my big news: I was going to be the host of a show on Sun News – but that show got cancelled before it even got aired! Drag. Would’ve been fun. Father John Daly, my priest, knows even more stuff.

But, mostly, it was a great year. My daughter won gold at the North American Indigenous Games – and my sons all had achievements academically and athletically. I finished a book that will surprise a lot of people (I think), and have already started the next one. And, of course, I got engaged to the aforementioned Ms. Kirbie – and we’re looking forward to a great Kinsellabration in Kennebunk at the end of August with friends of every political persuasion.

And, in respect of the political stuff, I would have liked to run in Toronto-Danforth, sure – but some of the Trudeau guys don’t like dissent, and I’m a dissenter. So I’ll be doing other things, politically, in the year to come.

In the meantime, here’s me and my gal on Sun News earlier today, predicting predictions about 2015. Comments about what we had to say are, as always, welcome. And, until next year, have a wonderful 2015 – and accept my thanks for making this web site a success, in its fifteenth anniversary year!


  1. Greg Vezina says:

    Video not available. Regardless, have a great year Warren. All the best to your bride and family.


  2. James Smith says:

    Happy New Year
    I tend to think Mr T slipping in the polls is actually a good thing as it makes the LIBERALS-on-cruse-control-to-victory meme go away.
    I do take issue with the early election talk, this would back-fire as the What-do-they-have-to-hide campaign could be very, very difficult to defend.
    Who knows, should be fun.

  3. MississaugaPeter says:

    “Pseudo-matinee idol.” Hilarious.

    Nice turtleneck WK. Next time don’t tell Lisa what you are going to say if you don’t want her to say it first.

    You and yours have a wonderful New Year!

  4. Kre8tv says:

    My friend, I regard you as a good guy all ’round, but you are at your best when you get to exercise those dissenter muscles. And heaven knows we need more of that kind of courage in the year ahead. With my glass of something Irish in hand, here’s to more of speaking truth to power than of speaking power to the privileged.

    My best to you, always.

  5. Graeme McEachern says:

    Wishing you all the best for 2015. Though the list is not that long, you are my favorite Liberal! I have learned plenty over the years watching your work, and have great respect. May 2015 bring you and your family health, happiness, and prosperity.

  6. .. Good predictions.. and I think excellent analysis .. but think you’re both right and both wrong .. all a’twonce

    Mulcair & NDP are falling apart .. think you both nailed that.. his lost votes go to Trudeau
    Trudeau as Formal Opposition .. at the very least.. think you nail that.. both of you.
    Harper.. think you missed out. It just gets worse for him
    far too many skeletons in the closet with him.. a sinking ship, leaking everywhere..
    His MP’s continue to make fools of themselves.. and of him..
    His ‘brain trust’ in the war room are just so shrill, so dully mean.. its ludicrous
    Harper might as well name Ezra Levant as Campaign Manager..
    the current ‘Harper Government’ are like thieves in a liquor store
    They can’t leave it alone.. the booze (ie the Power)
    they are found, intoxicated on the floor

    Examine their record.. Secrecy, Obstruction, Duplicity, Denial, Incompetence, Fraud, Idiocy, Cruelty, Failure & Hysteria
    They can’t hide or erase it… it all happened.. its all well documented ..

  7. Steve T says:

    Too bad about the Sun show – it would have been great to have you on the other side of the desk, so to speak.

    Here’s a question others may also have: is there a way to make a one-time donation via your Patreon link? I may be missing something, but it appears the only option is an ongoing recurring contribution.

    All the best in 2015 – looking forward to great political insight, as we move towards the federal election.

    • Chris says:

      from the Patreon FAQ:

      Can I make a one-time tip/donation to a creator?

      Unfortunately, Patreon is built for recurring payments to creators to provide ongoing support for the creator! BUT you can pledge to a Creator any amount and delete your pledge after the 1st of the month once you receive a verification email that your pledge was successfully charged! Just be sure to delete your pledge and you will not be charged moving forward!

  8. TrueNorthist says:

    Happy new year to you both, and my sincerest wishes for your many joyful years to come.


  9. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:

    Best wishes for you and your loved ones, Warren. Glad you will continue to be the Guardian of our Galaxy. Raising a glass in tour honour, mon ami.

  10. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:


  11. Marc-Andre Chiasson says:

    Damn French keyboard…*your…lol

  12. Craig McKie says:

    Sorry about the show. I can’t really understand how you tolerate the SunPeople in the first place. But never mind.

    Please do carry on with your sniping. Its in very short supply in a country embarrassingly under the thumb of the Harper zombie voter army at the moment. All three levels of (bad) governance in rural BC at the present time alas. Its all uphill from here to return to peace, order and good government.

    All the best to you and yours for the new year, and from the ancient and honourable world of long vanished Gaels, I wish you a Happy Hogmanay.

  13. Terence Quinn says:

    Sun TV is about to become a part of the Geezer network. Maybe you are better off not being there.

    Happy new year

  14. Cameron Prymak says:

    Congratulations to all Warren! You have a marvelous family and you should be proud of their accomplishments.

  15. Warren says:

    Thanks Father Daly!

  16. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Our Dads expect the same of us — to get out there and make a difference. Surely, your father is smiling, knowing that you have never failed him. My respects and thanks to you.

  17. davie says:

    Mmh…caught me in a bad mood that I got reading a little about how Ottawa HQ of the federal party I support rejected a local candidate.

    Now I listen to two people getting a third to agree that the election this year will give us a continuation of the squalid politburo that has been running this country for the past decade.

    Have a Happy 2015…figure out way.

  18. Jnap says:

    happy 2015 and congratulations on your engagement!
    Your dissenting is a valuable gift to any group that understands that constructive criticism is what is needed for a political party to grow. As my ol’ Scots Dad used to say ” I don’t pick the eyes out of a bad potato” …

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