01.21.2015 08:07 AM

Now Magazine: still full of shit

Here we go again: the free speechies at Now Magazine are making legal threats about the way in which I exercise my free speech.

In particular, the self-styled progressives at Now are hissing, via no less than s. 2 advocate Professor Alan N. Young, that they will sue me, verily and herewith, for asserting that they are “profiting on advertising that traffics in young girls.”


On reflection, perhaps the word “traffics” isn’t entirely accurate.  Perhaps I should say, instead, that NOW MAGAZINE MAKES HUGE PROFITS ON ADVERTISING PROSTITUTION SERVICES BY YOUNG GIRLS, WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY CLAIMING TO PROMOTE WOMEN’S RIGHTS.

In that regard, here’s a couple examples of what I’m talking about.  Have a nice day, Now douchebags.

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  1. Lance says:

    Well, give ’em enough rope and…………….

  2. Robert Jago says:

    In fairness to Now, do you *know* those are actual girls? Maybe they know something you don’t.

  3. Thank you!! …we need more voices like yours! #TheTruth

  4. Mr. Kinsella, Thank you for taking a clear and unwavering stand against NOW’s complicity in violence against young and vulnerable Canadians. As someone who has witnessed, countless times, the human carnage of the sex trade, I can verify that you’re seeing this for what it is. You do not stand alone.

    • Warren says:

      Thanks. Has long been my position.

      When I wrote for Eye weekly, years ago, I wrote a column in which I objected to such advertising. My editor took it out. I ended my association with them very shortly afterwards.

  5. martin dufresne says:

    NOW sells racism and sexism. It is now doing so in overt illegality, probably hoping to bait the justice system into a confrontation that will allow it to paint itself as a victim of repressive, puritanical, anti-empowerment for women yadda yadda yadda.
    Pimp speech.
    Thank you for calling it as it reads, Mr. Kinsella.

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