Musings —01.19.2015 03:23 PM
—Now-now, Now
The self-professed progressive free speechies at Now are threatening to sue me again. Yawn.
Sure can dish it out, etc. etc.
Musings —01.19.2015 03:23 PM
—The self-professed progressive free speechies at Now are threatening to sue me again. Yawn.
Sure can dish it out, etc. etc.
Must be part of the “Free Speech for me, but not for thee” crowd. Adherents to the “Piterberg Doctrine.”
Well don’t leave us hanging like that, what’s this teapot tempest about? Inquiring minds want to know!
Well don’t just leave us hanging, what’s this teapot tempest all about? Inquiring minds want to know!
Stay tuned. Give ’em enough rope, etc.