01.05.2015 09:25 AM

Now now, Now

Now magazine is irritated with Your Humble Narrator.  For a while – um – now, the alt weakly has been in a state of high dudgeon, and it would be super boring if it weren’t for this: I’m researching a column on some of the hypocrisies of the so-called Left, to try and figure out why they’re in decline politically.  As such, I’ve been researching Now itself, and specifically:

And so on.

I’m interested in hearing from anyone – and particularly some of the former staffers at Now – who have stories to relate about its profitability, its union-busting, its hypocrisy on equality issues, and its bosses.  Feel free to confidentially email me at the usual place.

Otherwise, comment, er, now!


  1. Pcase says:

    Also, I may be mistaken, but the article you linked to seems to say NOW Mag staff are organized:

    “Is there any way to change things for the better? Some suggest unionization might help. Most newspapers and broadcast organizations are organized, but with a few exceptions, like Maclean’s and NOW magazine, very few mags are.”

      • Morgen says:

        Yup, they are. Unifor 87-M

      • Rick Mason says:

        I’m sure I still have my union member card from the 7 years I worked at NOW sitting around somewhere. Want me to email you a picture? Unless it was all a grand fantasy, I was most definitely a union member the whole time I worked there. Not only that but some of the best benefits I’ll ever have in my life were a result of that union. As pointed out above, you’ve seriously misread the article you linked to. It quite clearly states that NOW and Maclean’s are the unionized exceptions in the magazine industry.

        Personally, I think the left is on the decline because of the kind of ridiculous infighting going on right here and not for any of the reasons you seem to be looking for.

        I also don’t recall Michael wearing his hair in a ponytail all that much and I sat right outside his office.

  2. ABoucher says:

    “alt weakly”…. I see what you did there!

  3. Bill Malcolm says:

    I’ve worked at NOW since 1981, and can confirm that we’ve been unionize since the nineties. As a union member, I personally participated in negotiations on two consecutive collective agreements. Even the part-time drivers & hoppers who distribute papers every week receive union benefits. We also have an employee pension plan. I’m sure you can find disgruntled former employees to support your NOW-bashing, but get your facts straight.

  4. Mike says:

    Union since the 90s and I have never EVER worn a ponytail, get it togeher Warren. Happy fishing.

  5. Rob Lamberti says:

    Click to this website http://www.unifor87m.org/member-units-page/179, second row, on the right as you face, you’ll see a pic of Stacy Reardon, Third VP of Local 87-M Unifor. I was on the board of unit chairs when she was just a unit chair for NOW. She’s very capable and works very hard for the cause.
    Rob Lamberti
    Former Chair
    Toronto Sun Unit

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