01.05.2015 10:39 PM

Son Three reacts to the win

He’s quite shy, as you can see.


  1. MississaugaPeter says:

    Cheering for the Canada Apprentice Loan program too?

    Enjoy the time watching sports with your children!

    • davie says:

      Yeah, the government did a pretty good job of larding those televised games with their stuff. I thought the network was very nice to interview the pm, with his security men in the area. Those security guys could use some courses in disguise.

      I suspect your boy was feeling just a wee bit of relief at the game’s end. The Russian team showed lots of character in this one.

      • MississaugaPeter says:

        Can assure you that my vote is not headed to Harper no matter when it does occur.

        The Apprentice Program and advertising with it is a smart, political move.

        If he is allowed to continue advertising like this on the public dime, majority is assured. Far better than past commercials. NDP and Liberals better be scared if this is the quality of advertising that comes in 2015. Are they using a new firm?

        There should immediately be a vote of non-confidence in the government due to this excessive advertising. The NDP and Liberals need to draw more attention to this. Otherwise, Harper will pick up another 2%+ by the end of January. Yes, the vote would fail, but there has to increased cynicism out there about this kind of advertising. If not, it will succeed in its real purpose, that being, many more years of Harper government.

  2. Ridiculosity says:

    Other than the excruciatingly painful shots of Harper attempting to look human, it was a game to remember.

  3. Houland Wolfe says:

    The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it Dad?

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