01.09.2015 09:51 AM

The cover of next week’s New Yorker

Brilliant. Perfect.




  1. davie says:

    I was looking for a media expression of grief for the 30 people murdered by a car bomb attack in Sana’a two days ago. I’ll keep looking.

  2. Penny Nielsen says:

    Totally agree Scot. 🙂

  3. Steve T says:

    Is it wrong of me to think that the terrorists’ corpses should be thrown into a pit on the Champs Elysees, and the public be allowed to urinate and spit on their bodies at random?

    At a minimum, no “offical Muslim burial”, as has been done in the past. Pine box, in an unmarked grave, with the lowest cost and no regard to anything else. They weren’t actual Muslims anyway. Real Muslims wouldn’t do this sort of thing, so why give them a Muslim burial?

    • davie says:

      I thought the two men shot were ‘suspects.’

    • GFMD says:

      It certainly makes you a lot more like the violent terrorists than the peaceful citizens of the first world.

      • Ted H says:

        Too bad the police always have to kill these guys, it would be more of a statement to their kind to shoot to wound or incapacitate then make them go through the shame of public trial and conviction. They might even give a bit of information that would prove useful.

  4. Ridiculosity says:

    In this instance, a picture is definitely worth more than a thousand words. Or perhaps even ten thousand.

  5. Jack McLeod says:

    I trust that pencil has a 40 round magazine.
    “The Pen and Sword in accord”

  6. peter friesen says:

    Really? What makes it perfect? Why is it brilliant?

  7. Bill Templeman says:

    The New Yorker also has a brilliant article inside their Jan 9 online edition about the Paris massacre: “Unmournable Bodies”. Worth a read to temper our righteous indignation….

    http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/unmournable-bodies? utm_source=tny&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=dailyemail&mbid=nl_011015_Daily&CNDID=28932583&spMailingID=7412582&spUserID=ODg5NjA1NDM5ODUS1&spJobID=601158305&spReportId=NjAxMTU4MzA1S0

    “France is in sorrow today, and will be for many weeks to come. We mourn with France. We ought to. But it is also true that violence from “our” side continues unabated. By this time next month, in all likelihood, many more “young men of military age” and many others, neither young nor male, will have been killed by U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere. If past strikes are anything to go by, many of these people will be innocent of wrongdoing. Their deaths will be considered as natural and incontestable as deaths like Menocchio’s, under the Inquisition. Those of us who are writers will not consider our pencils broken by such killings. But that incontestability, that unmournability, just as much as the massacre in Paris, is the clear and present danger to our collective libertĂ©.”

    • sezme says:

      Indeed, that was an insightful essay. In the end, a lot of the righteous indignation come down to tribalism. How dare THEY come into OUR home to kill US? I mean, it was undeniably awful, but there’s plenty of blame to go around.

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