Musings —02.19.2015 08:32 AM
—In Friday’s Sun: not me
I’ve been given up for Lent, you might say.
As you may have observed, there is a distinct lack of Warren-ness in this week’s Sun papers. So, too, other folks who used to appear on Sun News Network.
There’s a reason for this: the Sun chain, in whole or in part, is transitioning to a new ownership. That’s likely to happen within the next month. As such, there may be room for some of us at the columnist manger, or there may not be. It’s up to the new owners, the Competition Bureau, and You, Dear Reader.
So, I’m not writing a farewell column just yet. I may be back, I may not be. If you cannot imagine a day without Warren Sunshine, add your voice in comments. If you can, you are a horrible person, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
For those in need of a Warren fix, I can tell you that I will be now appearing in The Hill Times every week. It’ll be behind a paywall, so bring your credit card. (Columns that appear there will, however, eventually show up on this web site. Eventually.) And that’s not all! A couple of us are talking about developing a podcast-type thingie – for progressive contrarians – that would be located here and elsewhere.
Whatever happens, let me say – in all seriousness – that I have loved writing for the Sun. They have been a great bunch to work with, and they never censored a word I wrote. Not once. A first, for me.
Anyway. See you next week in The Hill Times – and, hopefully, back in the Sun, down the road.
I am a horrible person and ashamed, but I would greatly miss Warren Sunshine. Whatever the new Sun becomes, it should include you.
I, for one, would subscribe to a Warren K podcast.
I think you should start a YouTube show, Warren. I can’t think of any prominent pundits in Canada who’ve done something like that. I’d say it’s needed.
Now is the perfect opportunity to become involved in an online and broadcast Democracy Channel® & private (secure) online voting/polling Internet portal. Would be great for Canadians to see opposing views on maters of public concern. Can you imagine if we had a single broadcaster in Canada that complied with S.3(1) of the Broadcasting Act (Canada)?
3. (1) It is hereby declared as the broadcasting policy for Canada that
(a) the Canadian broadcasting system shall be effectively owned and controlled by Canadians;
(b) the Canadian broadcasting system, operating primarily in the English and French languages and comprising public, private and community elements, makes use of radio frequencies that are public property and provides, through its programming, a public service essential to the maintenance and enhancement of national identity and cultural sovereignty;
(d) the Canadian broadcasting system should
(i) serve to safeguard, enrich and strengthen the cultural, political, social and economic fabric of Canada,
(ii) encourage the development of Canadian expression by providing a wide range of programming that reflects Canadian attitudes, opinions, ideas, values and artistic creativity, by displaying Canadian talent in entertainment programming and by offering information and analysis concerning Canada and other countries from a Canadian point of view,
(iii) through its programming and the employment opportunities arising out of its operations, serve the needs and interests, and reflect the circumstances and aspirations, of Canadian men, women and children, including equal rights, the linguistic duality and multicultural and multiracial nature of Canadian society and the special place of aboriginal peoples within that society, and
(iv) be readily adaptable to scientific and technological change;
(e) each element of the Canadian broadcasting system shall contribute in an appropriate manner to the creation and presentation of Canadian programming;
(g) the programming originated by broadcasting undertakings should be of high standard;
(h) all persons who are licensed to carry on broadcasting undertakings have a responsibility for the programs they broadcast;
(i) the programming provided by the Canadian broadcasting system should
(i) be varied and comprehensive, providing a balance of information, enlightenment and entertainment for men, women and children of all ages, interests and tastes,
(ii) be drawn from local, regional, national and international sources,
(iii) include educational and community programs,
(iv) provide a reasonable opportunity for the public to be exposed to the expression of differing views on matters of public concern, and
I rest my case.
It’s because you dared entertain other opinions.
We need more opinions and voices. Not less. Also. More stuff about new restuarants and places to eat in Toronto!
Well now, it seems to me Warren is sometimes very, very good and sometimes very, very bad in his columns. It depends on his mood of the week. Forth and back, forth and back I go between support and distain. But. . . . he is always interesting and worth reading. I would probably spend a few pennies for his wise (or worthless) columns. Keep ’em coming Warren.
I hope this pod-cast happens. I would listen, and maybe even kick in a few dollars if you had a fund-raising campaign. Best of luck to you during this period of transition!
Thanks Andrea! Will keep you posted. You are awesome.
Why not join up with Ezra and the
That is really where the future lies. Not the main stream media. That business model is dying as SNN demonstrated.
My invite must’ve gotten lost in the mail!
I hope everything works out for the best whatever the future holds, Mr. K!
Thanks my friend
Why in the world would I pay for a Liberal mouthpiece. It defies logic.
Well, just know that if you join Ezra you are being CONSCRIPTED! Ezra himself is the Rebel COMMANDER, so I suppose you would need to negotiate issues of rank and what type of weaponry you would be permitted to use. Commander?! These guy is SO in love with himself. Good for him for expending energy on this. It’s a free country. Maybe he can makes few bucks purposely provoking unnecessary controversies. Commander 😉
Actually, Kirbie and I have something on the go for our, er, ilk. No rankings necessary.
Sign me up.
Russell Brand (The Trews) has done alright with the podcast thingy. You’re just as smart. Equally opinionated. And can be almost as witty.
Go for it. It may give you an even larger audience than you have now.
Change happens. Make the most of it.
Thanks my friend
What Ridiculosity said.
The old National Lampoon had it’s “CANADIAN CORNER”
Maybe Andrew Sullivan would be interested in the same idea
I’d be delighted to download and listen to a regular podcast from you!
Thanks Jamie!
Hi Warren
Good luck in the future. I have always enjoyed your column. Sun media and its readership will definitely be the poorer without your well informed contributions and insightful commentary.
Let’s hope they see the light and continue to feature your work.
Thanks Mike!
I read the War Room towards the end of Law school. It taught me most of what I needed to know to successfully work in PR quickly after graduation. I re-read it every year and frankly, I always seem to find something ‘new’ in it.
I was on the beach, halfway around the world when the shutdown of SNN was announced. What a sad week that was for journalism.
In my humble opinion, what our country needs now more than anything, is for people to continue to question, comment, refuse the status quo and challenge the system. I feel very strongly about this, probably due to the fact that I live in the province of Quebec which is technically another country and worlds away from the ‘Canadian’ reality and political landscape.
I really do hope we can continue to hear and read you, and I do agree with prior comments on how a YouTube channel would be another league on another level. 🙂
Thanks my friend!
Why don’t you start recording your own commentaries (and interviews) and put them up on YouTube? You’d probably get more hits than Ezravision.