05.13.2015 02:46 PM

SFH: the handsome hunks you’ll see at The Garrison

…when we open for Palma Violets on Friday night! Just imagine: you could be in the same room as us!

And this one goes out to star LPC candidate, Bill “Open Nomination” Blair!


  1. Matt says:

    Speaking of Bill Blair, Scarborough-Southwest candidate Michael Kempa withdrew from the race today.

    “There was no guesswork there,” former nomination candidate and journalist Michael Kempa said of Mr. Trudeau’s action. “He explicitly said he would hope to see Bill Blair in Scarborough-Southwest. … It’s clear [Mr. Blair] is the choice of the party for this election.”

  2. sezme says:

    Good song! Excuse ME?

    Man, these petty martinets deserve ridicule more than anything else.

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