10.22.2015 01:05 PM

A wonderful moment on a very sad day

Man, I wish we could see more of this kind of thing.  We’d be better for it.


  1. Chris says:

    Harper for Minister of Finance? (sign my petition)

  2. lou says:

    As usual, most politicians show more respect and graciousness after an election than their supporters do. Reading the Toronto Star (vice) over the last couple of days, they displayed the absolute lack of class and dignity that they are becoming known for. Siddiqui and Mallick are just poor excuses for humanity and Porter seemed to survive her foray into fictional writing at the expense of her CHILD without recourse. That being said, for some reason, my birds digestive system improves greatly when the star is in the cage. Ironic. I did not vote for the dauphin, but I certainly wish him the best in steering the country forward (although his policy and promises betray that thought). That being said, I fully expect them to blame Mike Harris.

  3. !o! says:

    It’s easier to see the humanity underneath when he’s not off destroying the country. I like this too. Though, I can’t help but think I’d view this more cynically were it before the election and their roles were reversed. . . Makes one think.

    Fear truly is the mind killer. It really affects how we act and view things, and this is I guess a good example of how pernicious it can be. I’m glad it’s less a force in politics here now for the time being.

  4. John Lawson says:

    Very nice. I wish that people that comment on MSM tweets/articles were forced to use their real name. Some of the crass vitriolic comments behind anonymous names take away from the nice symbolism.
    I know I don’t need to read the comments — but for this CBC tweet — I had higher expectations.
    John Lawson

  5. Lance says:

    A leader is a leader is a leader. Good show, guys.

    I remember when Jim Flaherty passed, and how choked up Tom Mulcair was. Sometimes partisanship doesn’t matter.

    I didn’t vote for Trudeau, and I disagree with his policies, but he is our Prime Minister, and he represents ALL of us, even the people that didn’t vote for him, so I hope he does well, and I wish him well. 🙂

    • P Brenn says:

      right on ….these folks (politicians ) put themselves out there for any number of reasons …but its not an easy slog and has been made worse by social media but the hate coming out of journalists columns and mouths is way over the top….

      Harper wanted to win but his family gets their lives back , Trudeau has a young family and will miss lots of things with them…..

      All the best to all who ran and I hope they all land on their feet in whatever they do going forward…

      • Maps Onburt says:

        Well said. While I would love to serve and have definite ideas how things should be led, I would never want to subject me and my family to the stuff that goes on. Politics is way too personal sometimes. All of these people deserve kudos for putting themselves out there what ever their motivation.

      • Lance says:

        My favorite part of any victory speech by the winning leader is the thanks that they give to EVERY candidate who runs for public office, regardless of party, win or lose. I think a lot of people forget what these people are asking their families to sacrifice when they choose to serve. It again reminds me of what I said about Flaherty and Mulcair. A lot of people see Question Period and think of the exciting acrimony that takes place for only one hour, and forget about the hours and hours these MPs from different parties spend together on committees, as MPs with close neighboring ridings doing community stuff together, on the road, etc. It is only natural that bonds that transcend partisan bullshit are formed. And that, more than anything, gives me renewed and continued hope for our political process., 🙂

        • dean sherratt says:

          I live in Ottawa South which was going to be a Liberal landslide. The CPC candidate called on our house with his wife as his only support team on that occasion…he also knew the election was lost but was still working hard. Its not easy when you are running with literally no hope of winning.

          On the ceremony, that was completely classy. It shows a part of Harper that he probably conceals but few notice in any event. Since the election, he has done everything to facilitate the Liberals coming to power. I also wish the new government well. It has representation from across the country. And I’m glad that the CPC has a caucus that is balanced regionally and able to fulfill is functions too. The NDP has also provided good opposition when its numbers were well short of 44.

  6. Partisanship is the worst evil of our political system. More time should be spent dealing person-to-person, where character matters and caricatures are abandoned.

  7. patrick says:

    Weirdness – but from this picture don’t they look like father and son? Harper looks so much older than he is and Trudeau so much younger.

    • Mark says:

      Trudeau will start getting the grays soon enough (or thin spots, if he’s like his father). It’s not like being PM is like being POTUS, but it is still an extremely demanding and stressful job. Of course, given Trudeaus baby face, that just means he’ll start looking his age!

  8. Mark says:

    I remember reading, in Craig Oliver’s autobiography, about how he went on numerous canoe trips with any number of Ottawa insiders; members of the press gallery, the government, the opposition, sr. civil servants, even the PM (Trudeau Sr.). Times have certainly changed (could a reporter nowadays be willing to go on a completely off-the record canoe trip with the PM??), but it sure would be nice to hear some new stories of members from all parties being civil, if not outright friendly, to each other outside of Parliament, and not wearing their partisanship 24/7.

  9. Pipes says:

    Do not stand at my grave and weep,
    I am not there… I do not sleep.
    I am the thousand winds that blow…
    I am the diamond glints on snow…
    I am the sunlight on ripened grain…
    I am the gentle autumn rain.
    When you waken in the morning’s hush,
    I am the swift uplifting rush
    Of gentle birds in circling flight…
    I am the soft star that shines at night.
    Do not stand at my grave and cry—
    I am not there… I did not die…

    • littlemissbliss says:

      too bad we cant stand by the graves of 1200 missing and murdered aboriginal women and read some shitty poem over their final resting places. Doing nothing is a barbaric practice for the ages. They,ii be no flyovers for these lost souls. Hypocrisy at it,s finest.

      • Pipes says:

        So what have you done about it?
        A good friend of mine and his service dog found Teresa Robinson of Garden Hill dead and torn apart in the bush in Manitoba.
        Get informed and connected and make a contribution, rather than shooting off your big mouth.

  10. Paul Raposo says:

    My father always said politics is like wrestling: they beat the hell out of each other in the ring and then go out for a beer after.

  11. Darren H says:

    Hmm perhaps a friendship might be in the offing similar to Bush Sr and Bill Clinton. Seems more then feigned warmth between the two of them. I’m sure Mr. Harper has a great deal more respect for young Mr. Trudeau after his victory. I know I do. As well I would think that Mr. Trudeau would have a great appreciation to lean on Mr. Harper for some advice now and then which I have no doubt has been offered.
    They have both shown tremendous leadership to try to begin the healing, and for all of us to move on. That’s the Canadian thing to do.

  12. Darren H says:

    And God Bless Nathan the families of Nathan Cirillo and Patrice Vincent this day and always.

  13. KBab says:

    I hope power brings out better qualities in Trudeau the Younger than it did in Harper.

    • Ray says:

      Depends entirely on one’s perspective. Those same qualities to which you allude were also afforded to PM’s Trudeau (the elder), Mulroney, and Chrétien. Long-serving PM’s of any stripe are (ultimately) heroes to some, villains to others. Get over it. Your boy won.

  14. Danny says:

    Harper as the elder statesman. It will be interesting to see how history judges him.

  15. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Unrelated but interesting: Michelle Rempel. She has moxy.

  16. Dr Nosworthy says:

    The media brandished Harper as “mean” largely because of their own narcissistic tendencies. He was cold to THEM and hence committed the greatest political sin.

    The real life Harper (buried deep within the unfair memes of a shallow media class) was one of depth and caring for this country. In poll after poll his actual policies were popular, belying the ridiculous assertions made here and elsewhere that he was “destroying our country”. One can disagree with the policy of income splitting, but to suggest same is “mean” or monstrous, as was often done with each of his policies, was simply base demonization, which much of the left had resorted to.

    To those gloating on his departure, the “mushy middle” certainly did not agree with those characterizations from the far left in the media. It was simply time for a new leader. Rarely does a public tolerate nearly two decades of power in one person’s hands.

    History will indeed judge Harper well. Once the partisan fog has lifted, he will be seen as one who deftly steered Canada through turbulent economic times. Under his watch Canada was seen as an island of stability while countries around it faced crises after existential crises.

    Bravo Mr. Harper. Enjoy the label of the wise elderstatesman that you most assuredly deserve.

  17. Elisabeth Lindsay says:

    I love love love that this happened. (the picture) Also Mr. Harper`s offering of his hand when they sat down.

    Want to see a whole lot more of this in the future.

  18. Keith RIchmond says:

    Love it. #thisismycanada

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