Musings —11.26.2015 01:39 PM
—Up in smoke
And here is another reason why I adore Kathleen Wynne. She saw a mistake, and she fixed it, fast.
Great, great news.
#Breaking Ontario makes U-turn on day old medical marijuana rule.
— TorontoStar (@TorontoStar) November 26, 2015
The court of public opinion in this province is NOT on side with the original “new” rule. That’s more like it. She knew it and walked back big time.
“This decision – if it is for real – is a sure-fire formula for confrontation, litigation and lots and lots of class actions. It is a huge, huge mistake.
By all means, let people who are legitimately entitled to use a medicinal product to do so. But not in public places, where smoking as been banned for years – and for good reason, too.”
This likely pushed her too. My teenage daughter went apeshit when she saw this reported yesterday. She knew it too.
How is medical marijuna any different than insulin? Letting people use needles in public hasn’t helped Big Heroin.
You win Idiotic Comment of the Day Award.
more like a con sequitur 😉
Not right. Not even wrong.
Heroin producers don’t make insulin.
Big tobacco will get their tenticles into commercial marijuna production and sale and if history is any indication, put all kinds of stuff in their to increase is addictiveness.
Should have read put all kinds of stuff in their marijuna to increase it’s addictiveness
marijuana. Need an edit button Warren. 🙂
An edit button is one solution.
I like to proof-read.
“And here is another reason why I adore Kathleen Wynne. She saw a mistake, and she fixed it, fast.”
I sometimes wonder in modern politics governments intentionally leak phony policy points to the media in an effort to rile up the public just so the mayor, premier, prime minister, president ect can come out and say no it’s not going to happen and be seen as showing “leadership” on an issue.
Very cynical thought I know, but……………
No, it was a real mistake. I know the back story now. It was a big mistake.
Well . ya lost me.. Wynne is a corrupted and compromised politician running Ontario into the ground , and you adore her ??
Too bad she doesn’t see the catastrophic mistake that is the ORPP and fix that, too…