12.15.2015 02:43 PM

I’m a syndicated columnist with Troy Media

Being published out West again! I’ve been a columnist in the past for the National Post, Ottawa Citizen and the Sun Media chain – and, now (happily), with Troy Media as well as The Hill Times. Here you go.


  1. Patrick says:

    300 people? This is a threat to our social well being? Marginal, ignorant morons and delusional self importand people who think they are smarter than everyone else, (explaining the bizarre mix of 80 IQ skinheads and bankers) get together and then do what? Nothing. The Zundels, the Dukes all fade away into oblivion, mostly, but the are bell weathers for when society is at tipping point of unrest. Not that the Zundel type gets anywhere, but if more are coming out of the closet it’s time to watch out for the more polished and better clothed cousin making noise: Trump, Le Pen etc.

  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Off topic: hope you give us your impressions of the Republican debate. Then we all can run it around in comments.

  3. Marc-André Chiasson says:

    Félicitations on your new gig. Great column. Thanks.

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