01.20.2016 09:12 AM

Best quote of 2016 so far, on Trump, and possibly of all time

While explaining that he believes that Donald Trump’s success in the Republican party does not mean that establishment conservatism is dying, GOP strategist Rick Wilson dismissed the “childless single men” who support Trump’s presidential bid. 

 “The fact of the matter is, most of them are childless single men who masturbate to anime. They’re not real political players. These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity,” Wilson said of Trump supporters on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes.”


  1. Michael Bluth says:

    Rick Wilson is a wannabe who has never sniffed a national campaign. Ugly bald prick who can’t get laid without paying for it. (While that last statement might not be the most respectful, neither was anything Wilson said.)

    Laugh all you want at the Donald. Just as Conservatives laughed at Trudeau. It’s the electorate who decide. Not the self-titled elite.

    • Timothy O'Malley says:

      Personally, I’m not laughing at Donald Trump, nor do I believe most Conservatives laughed at Justin Trudeau. And while voting Americans may contribute to the process, their choices may not reflect the outcome. That decision rests with the Electoral College – whose members would be wise to counsel offered by Mssrs. Mulroney, Chretien, Kinsella, and others…underestimate your opponent at your peril.

    • You’re so right Michael Bluth. The same self-proclaimed progressive elite made the same jokes about Rob Ford supporters, believing they were mainly frustrated old angry white males. The reality is that today, this self-proclaimed progressive elite is mainly composed of frustrated old angry white males. Problem is they’re so angry and so frustrated that they don’t realize that they’re mainly white, they don’t realize that they’re mainly males, and they don’t realize that they all are old…

    • Dan Calda says:

      Donald Trump is about as “elite” as you can get…no?

      • Mike says:

        Dan I think that depends on your definition of elite. If you are going to use wealth as a proxy for elite, then yes.

        But then again look at Rob Ford. He is a wealthy individual, yet much of his support comes from blue collar and under privileged neighbourhoods.

        • David says:

          As opposed to Trump, whose wealth came from … umm, his father’s exploitation of government subsidies?

          • Alex says:

            Actually, his father gave him a job.. not free money. Trump is 100% self made.. by the time his father died and left him his life’s work, it was pennies in Trumps account.

            No different a start than anyone in real estate. You get a loan from a bank.. buy a property, fix it.. sell it..

  2. doconnor says:

    That sounds more like Rand Paul supporters. Trump supports are the type who aren’t even aware that countries other then the US produce their own TV shows.

  3. dean sherratt says:

    Sounds like he is channeling Hunter S. Thompson. I have doubts about his analysis of demographics.

  4. Ted H says:

    Okay, I will dive into this game “When Trump supporters get a divorce, they still get to stay brother and sister”, Cruz supporters are the same.

  5. Al in Cranbrook says:

    The juicy as all hell irony in all of this?

    The liberal left created the perfect environment for someone like Trump to finally emerge with a message of, “We’ve had it with all this crap, and we’re not going to take it anymore!”

    One of more common phrases I’m hearing a lot of is “political correctness is now killing us!” It’s almost a given among security analysts that 2016 is going to be a helluva lot more of what we got a taste of in 2015.

    And I said, numerous times here, that Europe is going to turn into a powder keg of political unrest, probably enough so that the EU ultimately will blow to pieces.

    Yeah, well… http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/20/angela-merkel-faces-party-rebellion-over-germanys-stance-on-refugees

    People are getting sick and tired of governance based up ideological theories, and are ready for leadership predicated upon reality.

    I’m no fan of Trump, but I watched his presser yesterday, on CNN, not Fox…and one thing struck me: He’s getting better at this game.

    And sneer all you want at Palin, but fact is she has a massive following in the US, and she knows how to rally them. Cruz owes his own place in the senate to her efforts on his behalf.

    Going to be an interesting election year. And if things do go as many security gurus are worried they will, the Democrats are going to get their asses handed to them in no uncertain terms.

    • Al in Cranbrook says:

      That should read, “…based UPON ideological theories”.


      • Ted H says:

        And you are suggesting Al that the right wing doesn’t operate on ideological theories, man, you better give your head a shake.

        • smelter rat says:

          I’m afraid there’s not much in there to shake. Anyone who thinks there is a liberal left anywhere, never mind the USA, is delusional

      • Owen says:

        Also, “leadership predicated upon reality” should read “leadership predicated upon convenient fantasies and wack-job conspiracy theories.”

  6. Jack D says:

    “These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity”.

    Yes, so much yes to this line.

    The furious rage that stems from this demographics resentment and frustration is likely rooted in the awareness of this very fact.

  7. The Doctor says:

    I watched an extended excerpt of Palin’s endorsement speech for Trump. I’m very far from left-wing and even I found it cringe-inducing. And the thing is, if you watched Trump’s facial expression while Palin gave her speech, you can tell that even Trump knows she’s an idiot. A useful idiot for him. It’s almost like Trump’s main motivation is simply to amuse himself with all the chaos, madness and outrage he’s creating by running and continuing to poll well.

  8. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Remember when God used to Bless America? Not anymore.

  9. Steve T says:

    Yet the reality of democracy is that these childless, single, anime-fetish knuckle-dragging men get the same one vote as intelligent, thoughtful people. That’s how goofy politicians get elected – the intelligent folks split their votes amongst various candidates due to nuanced platform positions, while the simpletons vote for the simple message. “We’ll save the world by carpet-bombing the Middle East!” Which really is no better than “Yes, we will increase government services and spending, but you won’t have to pay any more tax!”

    If voter turnout were better, I think it would be excellent to have a basic IQ/logic test before you can vote. Same with having children, quite frankly.

    • Peter says:

      Oh, wow. Welcome back, eugenics. That the reaction to such an appallingly vulgar slur would be agreement, merriment and musings about disenfranchising shows how panicked some people (actually many people) are. At least my pal doconnor is civilized enough to talk in terms of low information voters. Anyway, who knew the anime-fetish demographic was so large?

      • Steve T says:

        OK, point taken. The “having children” comment was a bit overboard; a moment of frustration after some personal observations of things in my area.

  10. Mervyn Norton says:

    Two other early contenders for best quote of 2016:

    “That’s why Palin supporting Trump and not Cruz is such a win for us,” the Trump aide said. “She’s been out of politics for awhile, but she still has idiot cred.” (satirical columnist Andy Borowitz in The New Yorker)

    “Jeffrey would ask that in lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Donald Trump.” (Obituary in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, quoted in Political Wire)

  11. Stuart says:

    At first I was like “What the hell, how could the fandom for a medium that produces such cutesy fare as Madoka Magica and K-On be a hotbed of Trump support?”

    Then I realized Mami’s musket summoning ability (first 55 seconds of this clip) could probably give the NRA a collective hard on and it suddenly made perfect sense:

  12. Jackal says:

    It’s a funny line but if you actually listen to the context then it’s clear that this man is in complete denial about the GOP. The woman he was talking to got it entirely right: the Republican base of white, high school educated middle aged men have never been very closely attached to the ideology of “conservatism”. They have voted conservative for tribal reasons but they actually have a big appetite for big government as long as they think it will benefit them.

    Donald Trump is following through on a strategy that was first discussed by one of Pat Buchanan’s advisers back in the 1990s. Ditch the conservative ideology and instead mix big government and anti-globalization rhetoric with white nationalism. It’s working really well and probably will be enough to make Trump the nominee.

    Crying about how Trump’s supporters “don’t matter” and insisting that the GOP is filled with ideological conservatives is just this ways guy of sticking his head in the sand. The fact of the matter is that outside the Beltway think tanks and country clubs the average Republican has no libertarian or conservative instincts. And that terrifies the GOP’s class of consultants and politicos because it means they aren’t actually needed or wanted. They are suddenly realizing that all the anger and resentment that they stirred up since the late 1970s has created a political force they can no longer control.

    • Ted H says:

      There is Historical Precedent: The Native American Party, renamed in 1855 as the American Party, and commonly known as the Know Nothing movement, was an American political party that operated on a national basis during the mid-1850s. The movement arose in response to an influx of migrants, and promised to “purify” American politics by limiting or ending the influence of Irish Catholics and other immigrants, thus reflecting nativist and anti-Catholic sentiment. It was empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and IrishCatholic immigrants, whom they saw as hostile to republican values, and as being controlled by the Pope in Rome. Mainly active from 1854 to 1856, the movement strove to curb immigration and naturalization, but met with little success. Membership was limited to Protestant men. There were few prominent leaders, and the largely middle-class membership was fragmented over the issue of slavery.

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