Musings —07.07.2016 08:45 PM
—My wife kicks ass: a play
[The scene: corner of Woodbine and Danforth. After a movie. Red light. It’s hot. Two young girls cross the road. Guy in trucker’s cap pulls up and starts hollering something at the girls. Before I know what’s happening:]
My wife, rolling down window and yelling loudly at the guy: THEY’RE SOMEBODY’S DAUGHTERS, YOU SEXIST PRICK!
[Long pause. We drive South.]
Me: You are so totally awesome.
I had about 10 seconds to make my point before the light changed. If I had more time I would’ve let him know that women are human beings not to be objectified by ignorant assholes like him.
Thanks for speaking out, Lala.
No girl or woman feels like she’s ugly, until a guy comes along and makes her feel like she is.
I was rolling in my electric wheel chair and crossed with the walk sign….I had a guy drive by and yell. “Hey handicapped – you have to obey the rules of road” … last I checked crossing with the walk signal is following the law. He wanted to have me wait while he turned the corner. In the three yrs I have been in the wc nobody has called me that. What an ass wipe. I realize he wouldn’t know my name…but how about Hey Lady…
As a father of daughters I think that’s pretty cool Lisa. Good job.
BTW showed this to them, they liked it as well.