08.08.2016 05:43 AM

The first recipe in the history of this web site

Right here!

Why does it appeal to me? Because it requires only:

  1. Meat
  2. Pan
  3. Heat source
  4. An ability to read small words

My genius super-model wife does most of the cooking at our place (I do the dishes). But this New York Times steak recipe? This I can handle!

I’m a chef, now!


  1. james elder says:

    your mission Kinsella should you choose to accept it is to stir. things. up. leave the cooking to others:)

  2. lungta says:

    while it’s cooking
    cube a tomato with a squirt of dressing
    make toast with butter and garlic powder
    been my go to 8 minute meal for years

  3. Eric Weiss says:

    I like to do steaks that way, but I usually add a couple of dollops of garlic butter on top when I put them in the oven.

  4. MonteCristo says:

    What are your neighbors views on smoke alarms and fire station visits ?

    This is a guaranteed smoke generating recipe, look at the comments.

  5. Kevin says:

    That’s pretty much exactly how my “second mother” Mrs. C., used to cook them. She’d tell you there’s one instruction missing: turn on the fan!

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