10.13.2016 08:05 AM

From next week’s column: what is the word that best describes this?

Which brings us, in a circuitous fashion, to Donald Trump.

There he stood in that second presidential debate, his sweaty features twisted in a sneer, stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage. Looking like he was going to hit her. Looking like he wanted to.

Watching him shadow his opponent in that way, many women knew exactly what he intended to convey.

For those who didn’t get it – mainly men – Trump wasn’t done. He had words, too. Not once, but twice, he said that – as president – he wanted to see Hillary Clinton imprisoned. As president, he said, he would appoint a special prosecutor to go after her.

“You’d be in jail,” he hissed at her, and millions of us became witnesses.

Forget about the constitutional niceties, or what the law says. There was, and is, no doubt that Trump would certainly do what he threatened to do. In its dying days, as his feral campaign has slunk back into the swamp from which it came, all of us have seen how willing Trump has always been to use his power and money to abuse women.

But what he said? What he vowed to do, right to Hillary Clinton’s shocked face?

It is more that unconstitutional. It is more than against the law. It is more than all of that.


  1. sm says:

    This from a blog post this morning with an interesting question, why has the media stepped away from this? https://www.scribd.com/doc/316341058/Donald-Trump-Jeffrey-Epstein-Rape-Lawsuit-and-Affidavits#fullscreen Too lurid? A case on shaky ground? Who is Tiffany?

  2. Wes says:

    Deserves to be prosecuted. She’s clearly committed crimes it’s not even a question.

    • Derek Pearce says:

      Ah, another Trumpkin blind to the fact that if Hilary may have committed crimes, Drumpf should’ve been jailed for numerous crimes long ago. Your hero is a swindler, a swindling fascist.

  3. james elder says:

    I would pay anything to watch Trump try that stalking, snorting, circling, teeth baring, ground pawing bullshit with someone like Jesse Ventura. This is and was violence against women writ large and in full view of the general public. What’s more disgusting is the false equivalency foisted on us as observers. I know what it feels like to approach a woman from the rear while walking down the street and sense her fear or when she slows down to let me pass by squeezing left. That is fear. That is what we are watching and the bullies of the world who will vote for the orange turnip are lapping it up while the media makes bank like bandits.

  4. MgS says:

    Trumpster Fire


    Self Immolation

  5. rumleyfips says:

    Ya have to wonder what the Secret Service guys were thinking. Would Hillary’s detail have to take Trump down and cuff him ? Would Trump’s detail help save Clinton or push their mates aside to let Trumps go at her. Secret Service briefing meetings the next morning must have been jolly.

  6. !o! says:

    >There he stood in that second presidential debate, his sweaty features twisted in a sneer, stalking Hillary Clinton around the stage. Looking like he was going to hit her. Looking like he wanted to.

    Well put. I know the segment you mean exactly. I even said to my wife as we watched it ‘At this point I’m scared he’s going to lose control and hit her’.

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