11.30.2016 08:53 AM

Shitface von Clownstick’s bold move


  1. Tired of it All says:


  2. Eric Weiss says:

    Unfortunately with a GOP majority in the house he knows he probably won’t be impeached for it. Unles there’s a regulatory agency with the juice and the balls to do something about it, he’ll get away with it.

    • Warren says:

      Special prosecutors are also at the State level. He can’t stop those.

      • Eric Weiss says:

        Good to know. It would be nice to see one go after this prick. Haven’t heard anything about NY looking into the Trump Foundation lately. Hopefully someone’s still on top of that.

      • Ronald O'Dowd says:


        The President and Vice-President are exempt as it relates to conflict of interest and their own business(es) but Trump better watch it. If he violates the Emoluments Clause (Section 9, of Article I) of the Constitution, he could be rapidly up shit creek.

  3. Ron says:

    I doubt that Drumpf ever considered the possibility of any conflict of interest. Why bother ?

    After all, he is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being you will ever know in your life.

  4. doconnor says:

    Conflict of interest is what got Rob Ford in the most official trouble. It requires a certain amount of intelligence and discipline to keep personal, business, campaign and job finances separate.

  5. Charlie says:

    On a related note:

    Donald Trump just asked Preet Bharara (rockstar U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York) to stay in post today.

    Interestingly, Bharara is the person with the jurisdiction to go after Trump organization. Considering he has a history of slaying some of New York’s scummiest and tackling unsavoury behaviour, Trump may be wise in trying to make friends with a fellow New Yorker who is very well respected and well known.

  6. smelter rat says:

    And shame on most of the MSM for jumping all over is statement without even a modicum of analysis or thought.

  7. Marcus Anthony says:

    Hey, it was good enough for Paul Martin!

  8. Kevin Laddle says:

    “Shitface Von Clownstick”?

    Warren, with all due respect, you’re better than this.

    I mean come on, for heaven’s sakes, it’s *Fuckface* Von Clownstick: http://www.vulture.com/2016/11/jon-stewart-remembers-his-twitter-war-with-trump.html

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