12.03.2016 04:54 PM

The Trump era: Soldiers of Odin In Toronto

Neo-Nazis in Toronto. Queen East park, 2 pm. A bunch of them. 

Here we go. 


  1. Al Zwikker says:

    Rip the sign down…

    • Dylan says:

      I think neonazi is a pretty strong/harsh label… unfounded as I’ve been able to see!… I don’t think they are to be condemned… I might be able to say they are unnecessary were it not for the fact that they’re just an organic response to antifa- their counter opposite… barring the side of the political spectrum the fall on, the only real difference between these 2 extremist groups is that the SOO have far less people and so far less crimes connected to their group and also that the media and probably schools takeep an active and open stance against them whereas with antifa, at the most, they will just be ignorant/blind to it…

  2. Anthony Robinson says:

    How to avoid marching on Kinder Morgan deomstrators and the bloodshed that will destroy the Liberal Party Federal and Provincial…

    Keep Liberal party capital intact. Keep Alberta and B.C. happy and still ship bitumen by pipeline for processing and value added manufacture of products outside Canada

    Simply divert Kinder Morgan south over the border for export from Washington State. The USA have spill control due to their vested interest.

    We had a bunker fuel spill at Vancouver wharves and a big fuel spill off Bella Bella where Kinder Morgan had no control in place in spite of shipping off our shores for the past 50 years. That kind of demonstrated public relations boggles the mind for paramount levels of arrogance and stupidity.

    Christi Clark is as much to blame as the Federal government for total incompetence and fumbling aT THE VERY TOP.

    Don’t allow our Federal Liberal Party to become a world laughing stock when one of 35 monthly tankers spills toxic bitumen and kills off whale watching, tourism, fisheries, all other enviro-dependent businesses.

    Don’t give the NDP the keys to our Canada. Anthony Robinson

  3. billbc says:

    How many? There’s bound to be such freakos in society. Is it wise to give them publicity? Perhaps….

    • !o! says:

      it’s absolutely necessary to shine a light on it. They’re just coming out of the trash cans at the moment because they somehow think that all of a sudden the country finds them less abhorrent. They don’t. Talking about how their ideas are reprehensible is important.

  4. Al Zwikker says:

    My thoughtful description of these people “knuckle dragging Neanderthals”…..

  5. redraven says:

    sorry kinsella but it’s no use. we aren’t in Kansas anymore and i don’t know that writing a book is going to help much.

    this is what a Trump spokesperson named Hughes actually said on Fox News.
    I don’t know where we go from here. I really don’t.

    “Well, I think it’s also an idea of an opinion. And that’s—on one hand, I hear half the media saying that these are lies. But on the other half, there are many people that go, ‘No, it’s true.’ And so one thing that has been interesting this entire campaign season to watch, is that people that say facts are facts—they’re not really facts. Everybody has a way—it’s kind of like looking at ratings, or looking at a glass of half-full water. Everybody has a way of interpreting them to be the truth, or not truth. There’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore as facts.

  6. Kevin says:

    The etymology of “Odin” is enlightening. It’s from the Proto-Indo-European “wodeno” meaning raging or mad, which in turn is from the root adjective “wet-” meaning to blow. Just saying.

    • MississaugaPeter says:


      “Soldiers of Odin (SOO) is an international anti-immigrant street patrol group founded in Kemi, Finland in October 2015. The group was established as a response to thousands of asylum seekers arriving in Finland amid the European migrant crisis.”

      “SOO have denied claims of being a racist or neo-Nazi group in interviews and on their public Facebook page. However, the group’s founder, Mika Ranta, has connections to the far-right Finnish Resistance Movement[3] and a criminal conviction stemming from a racially motivated assault in 2005. According to the Finnish public broadcaster Yle, an alleged restricted Facebook page for selected members of SOO suggests that racism and Nazi sympathies are rampant among higher-ranking members.”

  7. Luke says:

    What is wrong with people ?

  8. Allen says:

    Is that at St. James park? Insane.

  9. pat says:

    Human Garbage –

  10. pat says:

    People in a fish bowl talking about an ocean they’ve never seen before – trash

  11. pat says:

    In Alberta there’s an undercurrent of Hitler apologists – and a really low-culture Nativist attitude pertaining to immigration, and employment – even in “professional” circles. Poisons their province – a disgrace and embarrassment to the country. They talk about Canadian names (which names are Canadian – the name of everybody with a citizenship is Canadian), and Canadian values when we have values called pluralism, tolerance, and in a twisted form of intellectual laziness moralize what is a cancer to this society –

    • smelter rat says:

      Alberta is a cesspool. See Chris Alexander’s appearance there today, where the crowd shouted “lock her up”, referring to the Premier.

      • pat says:

        Yeah – thanks for building all those relationships – the ones that get ya to tidewater. Looking in the mirror all day in a delusion of self-obsessed isolation aint gonna get your pipelines to where you need them folks, but Notley might have a chance.

  12. Mary R. says:

    It is interesting that this group is neo-Pagan. National Socialism was neo-Pagan at heart. The swastika is an ancient Hindu symbol. Indian is now ruled by a Hindu fundamentalist who began in the RSS, a right-wing, Hindu nationalist, paramilitary volunteer organization based on National Socialism. Paganism invariably devolves to the worship of the ideal self and the tribe/nation in the absence of one, Catholic (i.e. universal) god. The spiritual realm, like nature, abhors a vacuum.

  13. Ron says:

    But they’re just passive vigilantes on a mission to protect us all. Just ask them.

    Careful if their lips are moving though.

  14. redraven says:

    my nephew who understands computers and networks much better than I suggested all hate groups should register as such under law and then be required to wear a bright bib across their back with a large bar code. the bar code could be easily read by an app on a smartphone. scanning it during the performance of a hate crime would immediately suspend the paycheque of the person wearing it. a bit fascistic but effective.

  15. Ron says:

    They idiot in the foreground sure looks like every mother’s dream eh ?

    Why do these outfits always attract such dimwitted, myopic, easily lead and humourless people.

    It’s like a social club for pricks only.

    • Mike says:

      You are quite ignorant. They are quite active and they can’t keep up with the amount of people wanting to join. SOO is growing at a fast pace. The silent majority is getting organized. Just like in the states. North America was built on Christian Family values. (plymouth rock). Its time we got back to it.

  16. Al in Cranbrook says:

    The following is particularly insightful, brilliant, and well worth a read…


    His assessment of the US election is pretty much spot on!

    As is his summation of the causes of the growing division in western civilization.

    He knows of what he speaks.

  17. Bill Templeman says:

    Have never seen these guys on the street. If I walked up to them and said “who are you and what do you do?” –what would they say?

  18. monkey says:

    Off topic, but some good news, in Austria the far right candidate lost by 7 points when polls showed him tied or ahead in their presidential election so perhaps the fact Trump actually win is making some think twice that voting for demogogues is not just a protest vote where you can count on others to be more sensible, there is a real risk they can actually win. Italy also has a referendum today so will be interesting to see what happened there. At least their main populist party, the Five Star Movement is not racist in fact if anything they are centre-left sort of like our Greens with a populist tinge, but still I am hoping Trump’s win will mark the end of populist parties and a return to mainstream ones. For all the faults of mainstream parties, at least they’ve served most Western countries reasonably well in the past 50 years so better to reform them then go off the deep end. Hopefully next year Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders go down in defeat and hopefully in Germany, the far right AfD starts to fall (I am pretty confident Merkel will win again even if her share of the popular vote falls a fair bit). And hopefully the Tories in Canada have enough sense to send Leitch packing so in 2019 we don’t have a bigot as an option. After all those like myself who are centre-right but not racist should have an option that is fiscally conservative but tolerant which we have had ever since 1867 and hopefully will continue to do so.

  19. dave constable says:

    Ontario “South” Division, eh!
    Is the the Ontario South 321st Division? Or is it the 72nd?
    I’m not sure which of their many divisions this refers to.

  20. William Whyte says:

    These nutbar terrorists are stupidly parading out in the open where they can be spat on. It’s the covert terrorists in our midst that I fear.

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