02.20.2017 06:47 PM

Anti-Semitic attacks in Toronto

There has been an explosion in anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim crime since Trump won. 

But I’m sure it’s all a great big coincidence.

Story here.

Toronto police are investigating after Anti-Semitic notes were found on the doors of several units at a Willowdale condo building.

Post-it notes bearing a Swastika and reading ‘No Jews’ were found on the front doors of several Jewish residences in the building on Beecroft Road, in the Yonge Street and Park Home Avenue area.

Some of the notes contained Anti-Semitic slurs and some neighbours reported that their mezuzahs – blessings traditionally posted on the doorways of Jewish homes – had been vandalized.  


1 Comment

  1. Eric Weiss says:

    And it’s been happening more in the US too. This happened on Presidents Day. Why? Because they feel Trump empowers them to do it.

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