Musings —03.10.2017 10:30 AM
—The best song of the new (new) Dark Ages
Truer words not yet spoken:
All you Black folks, you must go
All you Mexicans, you must go
And all you poor folks, you must go
Muslims and gays, boy, we hate your ways
So all you bad folks, you must go
Somewhere out there, right now, a 16-year-old punk grrrrrl is writing the next anti-Trump Smells Like Teen Spirit anthem, and it’s a song that will change the world. In the meantime, anticipate lots of punk rock (like this) and hip hop (like below) railing against the New World Disorder.
Bad time for people, but a good time for great rebel music and investigative journalism.
When they dropped this tune a month or so ago, I listened to it a dozen times. A great return to form, a great message, and just a deadly, deadly tune.
love this tune. forgot how much i love these guys.
Went into the time machine on Spotify today and gathered up some old Oi music.
Never Again – Discharge
City Baby Attacked by Rats – G.B.H.
Harry May – The Business
UK Subs, Exploited etc etc
The future is unwritten.