04.11.2017 06:50 AM

Fly the potentially-lethal skies

My recommended ad campaign. 


  1. Willie P says:

    Fly United – we put the hospital in hospitality.

  2. Matt says:

    “Here at (insert competing airline here), we beat the competition, not our customers”

  3. Lance says:

    Please return to our seat and fasten your black belt.

  4. P. Brenn says:

    OMG ..now its a race issue in some quarters, running down victims reputation too – for gawds sake its United being idiots – so overselling seats is legal .. dumb but legal…but letting a passenger load and randomly or whatever way to “volunteer” them off a full plane… duh… stupidity

  5. Charlie says:

    United Airlines:

    Luggage and passengers treated with equal care.

  6. Jim Keegan says:

    You can take the red eye from Phoenix to Dallas with Southwest, or the black eye with United.

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