OMG its a race issue in some quarters, running down victims reputation too – for gawds sake its United being idiots – so overselling seats is legal .. dumb but legal…but letting a passenger load and randomly or whatever way to “volunteer” them off a full plane… duh… stupidity
Fly United – we put the hospital in hospitality.
Good one
“Here at (insert competing airline here), we beat the competition, not our customers”
Please return to our seat and fasten your black belt.
OMG its a race issue in some quarters, running down victims reputation too – for gawds sake its United being idiots – so overselling seats is legal .. dumb but legal…but letting a passenger load and randomly or whatever way to “volunteer” them off a full plane… duh… stupidity
United Airlines:
Luggage and passengers treated with equal care.
You can take the red eye from Phoenix to Dallas with Southwest, or the black eye with United.