04.20.2017 12:54 PM

“I’ll watch you for a while, I know you like that.”

Who’d ever say that to a woman?

[polldaddy poll=9728794]

If you guessed John Horgan, BC NDP leader, you’d guess right. He said it today to BC Premier Christy Clark. Link here.


  1. Luke says:

    Wait, was he speaking to her? From the quote it reads like he was talking to the moderator (?; Bill). But I didn’t see the exchange.

    If he directed that at her, that is very bad for his election prospects. Sounds terrible.

  2. dave constable says:

    Here are some other Craigie tweets from that debate:

    1. Clark: Calm down John” ( as she leans over and touches him)
    Horgan: Don’t touch me again, please.

    2. Do you swear to tell the post truth, the whole post truth and nothing but the whole post truth? (On Clark’s flim flam about her involvement in the health ministry firings!)

    3. Good asks Clark where they will get money for MSP cuts. Weaver interrupts with a laugh: “LNG.”

    Tweets I follow tell me BC Libs are desperately playing the sexism card after this debate. I guess out of province BCLibs are as well.

  3. Christian says:

    Well, given what happened south of the border, this, sadly, won’t go anywhere (as gross as it is).

    I don’t live in BC, but if I did the only party, I’d consider voting for is Green.

    • dave constable says:

      A part of NDP propaganda here is that a vote for Green is a vote for the BCLibs. In the debate today, both Weaver (BC Green leader) agreed a few times going after Clark’s record. People said it would be a vicious campaign.

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