04.11.2017 11:08 AM

This is how you do crisis comms, United Airlines (updated)

From the York Region District School Board trustees, facing a bit of a challenge of their own.

  • Be proactive
  • Be clear
  • No jargon
  • Take responsibility
  • Say what you are going to do to fix the problem…
  • Then fix it

Link here.  Impressed.

UPDATE: Being proactive and taking full responsibility is working for them, looks like.  Just saw the Minister of Education on TV, saying: “I am very pleased to see that trustees are moving forward and wanting to take action in a positive direction. They understand the urgent need to restore the confidence in the York Region  School Board.”

1 Comment

  1. PaulM says:

    You’re the veteran, not me, but the two issues are pretty different. York responded to a months-long report. They knew it was coming, and would be aware of the results. I wouldn’t be surprised if they board was given a draft report in order to prepare a response before its public release. So while I too agree the board’s response is to be commended (in that they followed pretty standard comms best practices), I don’t see the parallel to the absolute gong show of a PR nightmare that hit United in an instant, and played out in real time with millions of viewers.

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