04.25.2017 10:59 PM

Where we were today

And we need your help! If you oppose hate showing up in your mailbox, get in touch!

Warren Kinsella shows some of the graphic images found in Your Ward News (Lorenda Reddekopp, CBC News)

Political consultant Warren Kinsella is one of the people complaining about the paper, which is edited and published by James Sears and Laurence St. Germaine.

“There’s the use of the n-word, there’s racism on every page, it is the most disgusting thing.”

To prove his point, Kinsella showed examples from old editions he photocopied. One image portrays a Jew as a dog; another shows an image of Jesus sexually assaulting a woman.

While the publication is based in the Toronto area, he says this review is important for all Canadians.

“We need to say Canada Post should not be distributing hatred; Canada Post should not be allowed to distribute racism.”


  1. ernest lustig says:

    How can I help

  2. Ridiculosity says:

    What can I do?

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