Musings —05.10.2017 07:49 AM
—BC: who won, who lost
- The BC Liberals won. They got more seats. And they may still pick up enough in recounts to give them a majority.
- The BC Greens won. They grew their popular vote the most and hold the balance of power – for now.
- The BC NDP lost. They had a double-digit lead and blew it. They relentlessly attacked the Greens – something Christy Clark was careful never to do – and will pay a price for that. They lost.
Pictures are worth a thousand words. Here’s one that defined last night, for me.
.@jjhorgan was just whisked out of #bcndp e-night #bcelxn17 venue without taking media questions. #bcpoli #cdnpoli
— Ian Bailey (@ianabailey) May 10, 2017
Leaders, win or lose, don’t take media questions on election night. I don’t remember it ever happening.
Uh-huh. Well, you go tell the Globe and Mail reporters that. They don’t agree with you.
Thank you Father Daly
I would think Trudeau & his current Western energy policy are also be losers in this.
I agree. I think Justin has to step up and lead this country otherwise I see stormy clouds ahead. Canada is becoming a very fractured country with special interest groups and regional winners and losers. He has to bring the country together and stop pandering.
should read becoming losers
Thank you Father
My take as a former BCer is that there is an increasing 604/250 divide. Formerly reliable NDP seats in the Interior either stayed or turned Liberal, with the NDP actually suffering a net loss of two seats in the North and Interior. As Father Daly points out, there was a real backlash against the Liberals in the 604 over affordability issues and the Liberals’ perceived coddling of the real estate industry and developers – how else to explain an NDP win on the North Shore, major gains in Surrey, and surprisingly close races in places like Vancouver-False Creek and Richmond that should be reliably Liberal. The Liberals were reduced to a single seat on Vancouver Island – another area that has seen housing costs and affordability spiral out of control.
I think there’s a good chance that Courtenay-Comox will flip to the Liberals once the absentee votes are counted, giving the Liberals a bare majority, but I’d hardly call this a convincing win for Clark. Horgan probably did just well enough to be given another kick at the can but this is not a great result for them either. I agree the Greens are the big winners, especially if they end up with the balance of power. If the Liberals don’t manage to get that 44th seat, I suspect BC will be back at the polls sometime in the fall of 2018 or spring of 2019.
Yes Horgan, whisked away….guess he followed Christy’s whisking. Only Weaver answered questions … just sayin’. Libs win? Huh. Will they still be winners if NDP Greens do a deal? Did the Ontario PCs look like winners after the Rae-Peterson accord? Libs may eventually be winners but it all depends on whether a former base commander was liked as base commander. Father Daly is on to something.
The NDP made mistakes, they allowed Christy Clark own the softwood lumber issue which I think cost them seats in the interior, but the NDP gained enough seats that Horgan will be allowed to keep his job, especially, since there is a small chance that he could still end up Premier depending on the recounts and the actions of the Greens (Weaver prefers an alliance with Clark, but his voters prefer the Horgan).
We have to wait for the absentee ballots to know for sure who won. If the BC Liberals gain Courtenay-Comox and lose nothing else which is very possible since they lost by 9 votes and there is a large military base with an ex-soldier running as MLA this would give them a majority and there is Maple Ridge-Mission which they lost by 120 votes although I would be surprised if that flips in their favour. On the other hand if the NDP picks up Coquitlam-Burke Mountain (it is a tie in seats and note absentee ballots tend to favour the NDP but maybe not enough to overcome a 170 vote deficit) and there is also Richmond-Queensborough which is a long shot, but if those two flip we have NDP ahead. So anything from NDP 43 to BC Liberals 41 on one end to BC Liberals 45 and NDP 39 is within the realm of possibility. Otherwise a BC Liberal majority is possible whereas an NDP majority is not possible, but winner still unknown at this point. Seems deja vu of the 2000 US election where we had to wait for the absentee ballots to know whom the winner was.
So if the current count remains, the BC Liberals are one seat away from a majority and being protected from the Greens and NDP putting a motion of non-confidence to vote in the Legislature and bringing the Liberal government down. I don’t see how this could possible be sustainable for the BC Liberals.
Their agenda doesn’t remotely align with the Greens and the issues that the NDP and Greens agree on are issues that repudiate the Clark economic agenda. In what scenario could the Greens ever prop up a BC Liberal government without having Clark placate to them at every turn and how could she possible do that without alienating her own base?
I find it difficult to see this as a win for any party, other than the Greens.
The NDP still shat the bed and failed to oust a government that has been in power for 16 years. The Liberals are in a situation where their government can be brought down on a sneeze by the opposition.
I don’t see how BC doesn’t go back to the polls in 2018 (assuming this situation holds up).
My advice to Christy Clark: do a full pretzel if that’s what it takes to hang on to power.