05.12.2017 11:30 AM

The Mighty Finn’s leap of faith, to Ludwig Von

This little video has been seen hundreds of times by folks.  We hear more about Finn than anything else, these days.

So, naturally, I decided to add Beethoven (the glorious Ninth) to his now-famous leap.  It’s Friday, after all.


  1. Michael Bussiere says:

    Van, actually. He was of Flemish descent. And in addition to being great canine frolicking music, it’s also the national anthem of the EU. So also a celebration of the French election perhaps?

  2. talltexan says:

    I want to know how Finn got back up the staris?

  3. Chris Fleck says:

    We took a poll, and 100% of the people in our home think Finn is cute and obviously an athlete. Can’t get better than that.

  4. P. Brenn says:

    ha ..this is how employees leave work..they are much more lethargic on way in

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