06.29.2017 01:32 PM

And, no, it doesn’t change “Liberal” to “Lieberal,” Reformatories


  1. Gyor says:

    More proof autocorrect is evil, as if I need more.

  2. Iris Mclean says:

    Ha! I’m an old Dipper, since Tommy Douglas lead the party, and I’m proud of it..
    There’s no Dipper like an old Dipper!

    • Terence Quinn says:

      You must love political punishment. I use dipper brigade and conbots as my opposite to those who use Lieberal.

  3. Michael Bussiere says:

    It also autocorrects my last name to “Boozer”, which I am emphatically non! Autocorrect is now my enema.

  4. Cynical says:

    Local brewery called ******* Tapworks gets autocorrected to “Tapeworms”

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