06.08.2017 12:30 PM

From next week’s column: Comey hammers nails in Trump’s coffin – many of them

Among the [James Comey testimony] lowlights: the Trump administration “lied” about Comey, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Trump “defamed” Comey when he claimed that the FBI had lost confidence in their former director. There was a “massive” effort by Russia to intervene in the 2016 U.S. election and elect Trump.

Comey kept detailed notes because he was concerned that “[Trump] would lie” about what was said in meetings between the two men. He testified that Trump “directed” Comey to drop the Flynn investigation. To “get rid of the investigation.”

And, this bombshell, in answer to a witless Republican politician’s foolish question about whether Donald Trump “colluded with Russia.” Comey paused, and then replied he could not answer the question “in an open setting.” Incredible.

To any fair-minded observer, however, the biggest news was and is this: Donald Trump plainly obstructed justice when he asked Comey to “let go” of the FBI’s criminal investigation into his close friend and advisor, Michael Flynn. He broke the law.


  1. lou filippo says:

    Seems that the only person that may have broken a law is Leakey Comey. I’ll take Alan Dershowitz advice on that.

  2. Lance says:

    So Comey took notes when meeting Trump, but did not record Hillary’s 3 hour interrogation?


    When even Chris Matthews says there is nothing there based on what was seen today, you know a narrative just went up in smoke. You can almost hear the slap of the high fives echoing out of the Oval Office today.

    • doconnor says:

      The Director FBI doesn’t attend interrogations, but when he finds himself personally dealing with someone with criminal overtones, his investigators instincts kick in.

  3. Lance says:

    And another thing, Marco Rubio absolutely scorched James Comey today – “it seems like everything from your office leaked except the fact that Donald Trump was not under investigation”.

    So to summarize what Senator Rubio showed today – President Trump did not attempt to obstruct the Russia investigation. President Trump is not the subject of the Russia investigation. President Trump did not obstruct justice, and therefore there is no cause to impeach him. There is no reason the hearing continues. The charade goes on of course, but the moment is gone; its over.

  4. Eric Weiss says:

    So now the GOP is defending Trump by saying what he did wasn’t criminal, he’s just too stupid and inexperienced to know what he’s doing.


    • John says:

      That just shows that the Republicans will do absolutely anything to defend their own, no matter how asinine it makes them look.

  5. JH says:

    What a dog and pony show! Comey was hated by the Dems for what he did to HC. Now they love him! In a huge turnabout the GOP once his pals now label him the devil incarnate. It used to be J. Edgar was the most reviled FBI director in history. Comey with his leaks and games seems to be getting there. He appears to be the biggest loser in all this, with a reputation in tatters on all sides. What a fecked up country the US has become. Or maybe it always was, just not so publicly as now in the 24/7 media world.

  6. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    Obstruction of justice is all about the tapes. Trump taped with great regularity in Manhattan. Ipso facto, it’s reasonable to deduce that he’s doing so in the Oval.

    Translation: the audio will speak for itself and then things will follow their natural progression.

  7. Nicole says:

    Stop repeating the GOP talking points. Comey said under oath that he took those comments to be a directive and then when he didn’t drop the investigation Comey was fired. The elements for obstruction of justice are right there.
    There is caselaw confirming that this scenario fits in the definition of obstruction of justice.

  8. doconnor says:

    If your boss’s boss called you in and said he wished you would do something, wouldn’t you feel a lot of pressure to do it? What if he fired you when you didn’t do it?

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