07.11.2017 10:33 AM

“This…sensitive information is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Not sure how Donald Trump Jr. thinks this assists him or his family in any way.  Maybe he wants to sink his hateful old man, for reasons that would be apparent to many of us.

Either way, he has just (i) provided documentary evidence that (ii) the Trump family was (iii) colluding with Russia, Your Honor.  Game, set, match.

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  1. Sean McLaughlin says:

    You can’t dismiss this one as fake news given its extensive sourcing, so it’ll be interesting to see how the Trump team goes on defense and whether this finally starts to eat away at his support among Republicans. So many of us want the Trump interregnum to come to a conclusion, but I have to go history prof mode and remind everyone that it was just a little over two years(!) between the Watergate break-in and Nixon’s resignation. The pot boiled, and boiled, and boiled… There’s (probably) still a long way to go, even with this new turn.

  2. James Smith says:

    I suspect this is an effort to distract from something else or a way to have Jr take some heat off Kushner his dad

  3. James Smith says:

    I suspect this is an effort to distract from something else or a way to have Jr take some heat off Kushner or his dad

  4. Michael Bluth says:

    It all comes down to the mid-term elections.

    Most readers of this here web site wanted Trump impeached before this came out. They still want him impeached now.

    Revealing these emails won’t sway any of Trump’s core supporters.

    What about the swing voters who decided the election for Trump? Remains to be seen.

    The reality is the same today as it was last week. If the Democrats take back the House then Trump may be impeached. If the Republicans hold the House then Trump definitely won’t be impeached.

  5. John Bernard says:

    Seriously?? The whole republican party is going to see this line as a nothing burger when in fact, it’s the most damaging of all the emails. Junior clearly must have had some prior discussion or knowledge that the Russian govt was helping his dad or he would of responded to this line specifically.

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