Musings —10.04.2017 10:58 AM
—Coming soon: a new look for this here web site!
Stuff you will see:
- New regular contributors – from the Left, Right and Centre!
- Regular news updates – Canadian news and top news stories!
- Smartphone-friendly content!
- Less clutter!
- Still not a blog, because I was here first and hate that stupid word!
Why the change? Various reasons. One, the present design doesn’t work well on your device. Two, I want it to be an aggregator as well as an opinion web site. Three, I’ve been doing it for more than 15 years – it was time for a totally new approach, with new voices and a new look.
Stay tuned. It’s going to be neat.
Why do you Progressive’s keep changing things on us Conservative’s?
It seem you “Conservative’s” are changing pluralization in a way we progressives don’t recognize.
See how I Capitalized on that?
Sounds good!
New Ekos poll out.
Lib 34, CPC 33, NDP 15.
Large sample size, 4000+.
How they laughed at my recent federal speculation.
I hope you’re not changing your name to Norman Spector.
When I first discovered this here website, you had yet to introduce comments. How time flies!
Please, please let me view this site a little more easily on my phone. 🙂
It’s coming!
Will it have autoplay videos? I love websites with autoplay videos!