Feature, Musings —10.30.2017 03:13 PM
—School Library Journal: Recipe For Hate “a compelling and jagged read”!
.@sljournal calls Recipe for Hate by @kinsellawarren “a compelling and jagged read.” It’s available now: https://t.co/qsIMJwVVV2 pic.twitter.com/NOdaPvY231
— Dundurn (@dundurnpress) October 30, 2017
With a title ripped from a Bad Religion song, this book does not try to hide its punk flair. X and Kurt Blank are best friends in Portland, Maine at the beginning of the punk rock movement. Kurt acts as a Nick Carraway figure to X’s Gatsby, narrating his story. Fueled by anger, music, and misfit solidarity, the boys are devastated when one of their own is crucified behind the local bar that hosts punk shows. With police who seem less than fully committed to finding the murderers, X throws himself into figuring out what is going on and uncovers a twisted plot of Nazi ideals…the story compels readers forward…The novel’s unpolished aspect, which in another book might be off-putting, adds a layer of punk rock attitude. It is a story analogous to modern times and will find a home in activist hands.
VERDICT: A compelling and jagged read, buy for the anarchists and misfits in your library.