01.29.2018 03:12 PM

Our friend Loralea is running

And, that’s not all: I’m hearing Caroline Mulroney may not run for PC leader after all.  That would certainly change the dynamic, quite a bit.  Here’s some of the release from Loralea’s team:

Loralea Carruthers to seek Ontario Liberal Party nomination in York–Simcoe

HOLLAND LANDING—Loralea Carruthers, a veteran local school trustee and recent chair of the York Region District School Board, announced today that she will seek the Ontario Liberal Party nomination in York–Simcoe. 

“There just comes a time when you need to say enough is enough and you need to step up. I did that when our school board faced serious issues, and I worked to right the ship as chair. Today, our riding needs an experienced, local leader who understands our local needs firsthand,” said Loralea. 

“We need to invest to improve traffic congestion and work to improve access to education, to raise wages and ensure high-quality health care,” said Loralea. “With decades of local experience advocating for people here in York–Simcoe, I’m ready to use that experience to fight for our communities at Queen’s Park.”

“I want to salute Julia Munro for her years of public service as our local MPP, and wish her and John well in her coming retirement. Her community service began as a local teacher, and it has always been a pleasure working with her over the years representing our local communities on shared issues,” Loralea added. 

“I know our growing communities need continued representation by an experienced, local leader who understands the issues our riding faces firsthand from living here, someone who has worked to improve our schools, enhance our public services and protect our natural environment. I am ready to contrast my local experience and judgement with the Conservatives’ parachute candidate,” Loralea concluded. 

Loralea Carruthers is a public-education champion, environmental activist and community leader. As the Ontario Liberal candidate in the 2014 provincial election, she increased the York–Simcoe Liberal vote to the closest result in over four decades.



  1. Matt says:

    Doug Ford announced he’s running for PC leader.

    He is not well liked in the party.

    Hopefully all those who are considering running get together and decide on ONE of them to go against Ford.

    I thought Caroline Mulroney would run. Most of the people in Brown’s inner circle who jumped ship supposedly landed with her. Velshi stayed on in the leaders office and is now COS to Fedeli.

    The OPC have named Jag Badwal the new party president.

    • doconnor says:

      Because leadership votes use STV instead of FPP having one or many go against Ford doesn’t make any difference. The more alternatives there are, the better chance he’ll lose.

  2. Miles Lunn says:

    Sounds like a good candidate, but running in the wrong riding. York-Simcoe is probably in the top ten safest PC ridings so they would need to be obliterated to lose that one. In fact only if you had a perfect split on the right like you did in the 90s could I see it going Liberal.

    That being said Doug Ford being leader will be a disaster for the PCs. Even him just in the race will hurt the party but the sooner they can stop him the better. I am thinking they have four options for getting rid of him.

    1. Each of the other candidates promise not to sign his nomination papers if he is candidate.
    2. At least 30 preferably over 50 current PC candidates promise to stand down and not run for the PCs if he is chosen as leader.
    3. The party run an internal poll and show him the results that he would lose badly if chosen as leader. He hates losing so any poll showing him behind by a large margin will force him out.
    4. The party cancel the leadership convention and caucus choose the next leader. This is a risky move but still preferable to Doug Ford becoming the next PC leader.

    For his thinking he will appeal to those fed up with politics, I got news for him, Trump is hated in Ontario and the mere fact he is on the record of supporting Trump kills his chances. Being like Trump is bad enough, actually endorsing him is the kiss of death north of the border.

  3. Brace Ourselves says:

    Doug Ford makes Victor Fideli appear reasonable and middle of the road. Fideli has personal accomplishments and knows our Province. As long as candidates like Carolyn Mulroney (and other leadership hopefuls) stay out of the race, would hopefully be a coronation for Fideli. We PC’s need to keep our eye on the real ball – replacing the Wynne government. Accomplishing this task would provide a real service to the people of Ontario. Forming a government would provide all kinds of opportunities for ambitious politicians. But, sadly, one of the best jobs in government is being a “backbencher” in the opposition party – no real responsibilities and can be a paid complainer. Professional losers are more inclined to think about themselves – as in, why not run – nothing to lose.

  4. Michael says:

    ” Professional losers are more inclined to think about themselves – as in, why not run – nothing to lose.”

    That is a hilarious comment for someone supporting Vic Fedeli for leader. Fedeli ran for the leadership and tanked. He sold no memberships, meaning he could not get the support of conservative leaning people who were not PC party members. He raised no money, meaning that even those within his own party did not deem him a good enough leader to part with their cash.

    The only reason we are even talking about Fedeli as leader is because he successfully pulled an Alexander Haig on the night Brown scurried out of Queen’s Park.

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