Feature, Musings —02.01.2018 01:36 PM
—New Dark Ages, now
I just returned from a major book fair at the Metro Convention Centre – and, whilst I was there signing copies of Recipe For Hate (Humblebrag Alert: we ran out of copies), I saw this for the first time, in Dundurn’s 2018 catalogue:
What’s it about? Well, it’s about to get me in a lot of trouble, I reckon. It’s the most controversial book I’ve ever written, I’d say. (And it’s the second instalment in the X Gang trilogy.) Recipe For Hate has been well-received – as seen here and here and here – and I’m hoping New Dark Ageswill be, too.
Pumped. Now, back to writing the final book in the series.
Warren I have admired your work from afar. As a social activist, writer and someone seeking truth in a world where the lines continue to be blurred.
As a Liberal Egalitarian society we have now resorted to tribalism on both sides of the equation leading to little civil discourse on what ails us economically, socially and environmentally.
I believe firmly that an approach of taking the best from the center left with the best from the center right with a course and process to implement that we can make great changes politically, socially and economically.
My story and various political affiliations span some 40 years of political and societal engagement. My father Michael passed away at the beginning of 2017. He left me nothing other than the publishing company he ran for the better part of 40 years.
We published great books from the Arctic by Breummer, The Canadian Connection, Up the Hill by Don Johnson, 21 Days by Senator Jacques Hebert and some 300 other titles. I am publishing at least 2 books this Fall. One on the tainted blood Crisis and one political thriller by Maxime Bernier.
I do hope we can someday work together in forwarding common agendas for the advancement of Canadian society and making the world a better place to live.
All the best and look forward to the sensational sex scandal release. Oh did I mention my father was Margaret Trudeau’s publisher and ran the global syndication for the book.