Feature, Musings —02.03.2018 10:39 PM
—Recipe for Hate in Quill and Quire: “suspenseful page-turner”!
Quill and Quire has published, online and elsewhere, their review of Recipe For Hate. Here’s what they have to say:
- “Kinsella skilfully blends convincing depictions of both the punk scene and the racist underground…”
- “The novel is a suspenseful page-turner that also gives considerable food for thought, anchored in realistically drawn characters and an eye for significant detail.”
- “…its significance to contemporary life and social schisms is powerful and impossible to ignore.”
- “…Kinsella captures the political underpinnings of the [punk] movement – a surprising reminder of hope in these dark days.”
You can get your copy of Recipe For Hate here and here. Meanwhile, the book tour hits Montréal next month!