, 03.31.2018 09:11 PM

Democracy prevails after all

They tried to pull a fast one on Good Friday, as my wife pointed out. But it didn’t work.

In one of the safest Liberal seats in Canada – when you have someone amazing like Jess Spindler prepared to run for you – you shouldn’t jam in a buddy of a crony. Who doesn’t even live in the riding.

And trample all over democracy in the process.

Make no mistake: this is Kathleen Wynne rebuking the Wizard and the Board – the same crew who sank Paul Martin and consigned the Liberal Party of Canada to a decade in the wilderness. It’s overdue.

Great news. And, sometimes, democracy will prevail, you know?


  1. Matt says:

    Kinda hard to say she is rebuking the decision when she made the decision in the first place. Her reversal is pure damage control.

    Now if she wanted to step in and appoint someone to run in place of this unbelievably tone deaf jackass in Mississauga-Streetsville, I don’t think anyone would object:


  2. Ronald O'Dowd says:


    The whole thing makes her look stupid.

  3. Miles Lunn says:

    Right move, but still terrible judgement. That being said Jess Spindler sounds like a good choice for a party that is in desperate need of new blood and renewal. I still hope the Liberals lose in June as they need a time out, but its important in their safe seats to try to find candidates that can help in the re-building and renewal of the party.

    • Ronald O'Dowd says:


      I concur with your reasoning but you should know that I pray for Horwath every night.

      That’s the perennial red-tory streak in this now federal Liberal.

  4. Linds says:

    Since when does living in a downtown T.O. riding matter? This “crony” is a well respected leader in the healthcare world, has been a volunteer in the Party for decades, and would be a super candidate. Jess Spindler may be “amazing”, but she’s had precious little life or work experience. Her career, … working for the Liberal Party for 8 months.. is barely credible.

    • Warren says:

      If he’s that amazing, he shouldn’t have been afraid of an open nomination contest. If he’s that legendary, he shouldn’t have needed a back room deal to shut out competition.

      But keep sliming this young woman. I dare you. I will name and shame you and make sure you wear it. Promise.

  5. Sam says:

    Aaand she lost, in “one of the safest Liberal seats in Canada”.

    And let’s be truthful here, she wasn’t new blood, she was a complete and utter Liberal insider with virtually no work or life experience outside of some legislative assistant work with the Liberal party. Then finally, after finishing a law degree in 2017, she heads out into the working world to start her career… getting a job as a lawyer within the Liberal Party.

    She was more of the same old same old, and the riding saw that.

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