03.23.2018 08:36 AM

Jordan Peterson watch: lies about being “inducted” into a First Nation


Jordan peterson is a University of Toronto psychology professor, bestselling author, culture warrior, YouTube celebrity, and a growing presence in Canadian conservative politics. The one thing he is most certainly not is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw people of British Columbia. That claim, however, has appeared several times in Peterson’s bios—which state that he has been “inducted into the coastal Pacific Kwakwaka’wakw tribe.” It appears in social-media posts, and it was referred to again this week, when Peterson tweeted at Pankaj Mishra, who wrote a critical piece about him in The New York Review of Books:

You say “Peterson claims that he has been inducted into ‘the coastal Pacific Kwakwaka’wakw tribe’ Just what do you mean by “claims” you peddler of nasty, underhanded innuendo, you dealer in lies and halftruths?


    • Fred from BC says:

      Um…okay, now I’m confused. Reading this, there seems to be no doubt that Peterson WAS inducted into the tribe as an honorary member, given a native name and all the rest of the pomp and ceremony. Other chiefs attended to make it official, even.

      Perhaps someone smarter than me can explain this?

      • 54eS says:

        Seems to be enough evidence that he’s taken part in a Kwakwaka’wakw ceremony. Whether that makes him an honorary member and what it means if it does is probably matter of opinion.

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