, 03.28.2018 04:28 PM



  1. Miles Lunn says:

    Will be interesting to see what happens. On the one hand it might help them recover as cancelling those programs won’t be popular. But running deficits when the economy is doing well and interest rates are low is quite risky as modest deficits today can easily become large ones if the economy has a downturn or interest rates go up. Normally a party competitive in the polls would be more cautious, but when you are 15 points behind I can see why the Liberal might do that (as much as I strongly oppose the budget) as they really have little to lose if it doesn’t work. And also the bigger the cuts they force the PCs to do if elected, the better their chances are at coming back in 2022.

  2. Stephen Grivakes says:

    What happened to the Drummond report? I guess that was all window dressing pre Wynne. And now Ontario’s public debt to gdp ratio is higher than many countries. Add the federal public debt and the future is looking bright! But the Liberals are making “investments” in our future. Watch out for the next recession.,

  3. Stephen G says:

    What happened to the Drummond report? I guess that was all window dressing pre Wynne. And now Ontario’s public debt to gdp ratio is higher than many countries. Add the federal public debt and the future is looking bright! But the Liberals are making “investments” in our future. Watch out for the next recession.,

  4. billg says:

    The question I have for today’s new age “liberals”, is, when does it stop? If the provincial liberals win the next election it will be 19 years of borrowing and spending in unprecedented amounts, so, when will it end? What’s been lost because the news of borrowing and spending has filled up most headlines, is, this current govt is borrowing 45 billion dollars over 29 years to save voters 22 billion dollars in hydro increases, when did this become normal, when did this become something to support, when did winning become more important then basic morality and ethics?
    There obviously is a stark difference between Liberals and Progressives, because, this kind of foolish and dangerous financial path is something I never thought I’d see out of Liberals. It was always frustrating to be a Conservative because Liberals would campaign on a Socially Progressive platform then when in power balance their platform with a comfortable handle on the Treasury. These ain’t your Jean Chretien Liberals baby, this current lot is out of control.

  5. billg says:

    Here is another “progressive” idea that for some reason Liberals embrace. Everything about these HRT’s run counter to what Liberals once believed in.


  6. Terence Quinn says:

    I now think Wynne will win because she has stolen all the NDP ideas and can talk circles around Ford. I will take the “free car” as opposed to having to sell mine to pay for the cuts Ford will enact. I think my tax dollars are better spent by the Liberals

    • billg says:

      There ya go.
      Gimme my stuff now, cut other people’s stuff in 20 years.
      How exactly did society get to this place where good people honestly believe and think that all of this won’t end in a tragic and very sudden halt in services to everyone in Ontario. I will ask progressives again, is the plan to borrow money every year until no one will lend us anymore? If Ms Wynne wins it will be 19 consecutive years of deficit budgets, so, I’m assuming the plan is just that, borrow until the future for younger people gets so dim they move. Sooner or later Mr Quinn someone will have to stop this, we either chose to do it ourselves or the markets will do it for us, and the markets way will be unbelievable painful.

  7. Hi KmmF here,

    Back for the very first time! You know me.

    Great job.

    Re: Podcast length: it’s too short, should be at least 1 hour. Needs to be regularized also, should be weekly, daily, possibly hour by hour. What do the Kinsella’s have for breakfast? Kale? I want cottage sounds in the background this summer. Do it!

    Re: Russian interference: I can tell you as a fact, that I have personally meddled in the Russian election in 2012….(not in any serious way, but whatvs). Social media has 0.05% impact in voters according to a recent poll that I just made up. Cambridge Analytica totally sucked at influencing people so paradoxically, they can admit they suck or let the media pretend they kick butt and ride this out . The underlying issue was that a professor leaked data and CA used it….poorly. Recommendation: Study causal relationships to better understand just how difficult a) it is to impact people via social media, b) how difficult it is to draw a causal relationship between social media and electoral outcomes. I know you’re smarter than to think that social media campaigns = presidency, PM, premier, mayoral victory.

    Re: Attack lines for Doug Ford. “KathLean on Business”, “Wynn-a-Handout”, “Debt-to-Vote Ratios is Too High”

    Re: Attack lines for Kathleen Wynn. “Doug-We-Can’t-A-Ford”, “Crack-Pipe Enabler”, “Efficiency = Lost Jobs, Lost Pensions, Lost Puppies.”
    {Oh these are pretty weak sauce. Delete after reading.}

    Re: Technical advice for free @Warren/Lisa you do realize that you should have this recording transcribed so that Google can crawl the page and understand the content there in. Then this page can rank for Spin Twins et al. Otherwise, you are leaving traffic on the metaphorical table.

    Don’t try to reach out to me. I’m un-findable. Unless you track IP addresses….

    Many Thanks, keep it up.

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