03.09.2018 07:16 AM

Not a coincidence


  1. Matt says:

    Cute, but technically incorrect.

    Leadership is being announced on Saturday.

    Time change happens 2:00am Sunday.

    But to turn your theme around, I’d say they are picking the new leader on a day where we get more daylight is a sign 15 years of darkness under Liberal rule is about to end.


  2. Kevin says:

    On the eve of the PC Leadership Announcement, here’s another PB story to just bring into perspective how the clown show was always there, it didn’t just evolve once PB was PC leader:


    Where there’s smoke….

  3. 3DZM says:

    I’ve been watching a Twitter account that’s been claiming to know where all the bodies are buried, so to speak. Last night he tweeted about a connection between one of Brown’s accusers and Jackson. Have to wonder if Mykytyshyn is the guy behind the account.

    I’ll put a link to the account below, but, understandably, it might not get past the editors.

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