05.29.2018 07:35 AM

Ask a York U. kid

They’ll tell you.


  1. Peter says:

    I never understood the lib decision to go hard left in the election. If they had gone the other way, she would have been in a much better position to go after Ford’s buffoonery and paint Horvath as the one likely to spend us into penury. Everybody knows there isn’t the money to afford all the promises they are making (including Ford’s cutback promises), so why pretend otherwise and make Horvath look like she’s fiscally responsible in comparison.

  2. Ian says:

    I am guessing you have not had elementary school age kids for a bit. The ETFO work-to-rule campaign dominated a school year, infuriating many parents. Similarly, the college strike this past Fall was a disaster covered in Liberal fingerprints. Not sure the resonant pitch there would quite work for Wynne.

  3. Sean says:

    I’m also surprised that none of the major parties has said anything about the epic disaster of Ontario’s Community Colleges, except for tuition. Tuition is important, but the lack of accountability to the tax payer and to students is bordering on piracy IMHO. I think there were votes to be found, especially after the strike, but all three parties missed it.

  4. Fred from BC says:

    I’m still waiting for the inevitable reminders of the debacle that was the last NDP government in Ontario. They are probably saving that for the last few days of the campaign, though.

  5. D Shumacher says:

    Funny, I was under the impression that the York U strikes of 2008-09, 2015, and 2018 happened under a Liberal government.

    • Matt says:

      The union striking isn’t the issue.

      The issue is the NDP promising to never introduce back to work legislation to end a strike.

      The Liberals tried twice to introduce back to work legislation to end the York strike before the writ was dropped.

      The Horwath NDP blocked it both times.

      • Bill says:

        Actual the issue is precarious labour, the abrogation of workers’ rights and union busting. Measures such as forced ratification votes (introduced by Harris), or legislating workers back to work are simply designed to undermine unions and the collective bargaining process.

        Ontario shamefully underfunds its educational system, allows a system where the principle of equal pay for equal work is a fantasy, where the employer never negotiates in good faith, where an employer can attempt to circumvent the collective bargaining process by forcing a ratification vote…

  6. Matt says:

    Ekos just released.

    NDP surge has stopped, OPC and NDP tied but OPC hold a big advantage in vote efficiency and distribution.

    Mainstreet also hinting the NDP have dropped and Liberals have seen increases each of the last two nights in their polling.

    • Bill says:

      Maybe this will cut into the Cons efficiency, especially in some 905 ridings:
      “Vote Compass: Many women don’t trust Doug Ford, a potential problem for PCs in key ridings” (linked above)

  7. Adam says:

    Y’know, maybe if proper funding and job stability provisions were in place, there wouldn’t still be a strike.

    I guess the Liberals prefer that university staff are paid a pittance, overworked, and kept on short-term contracts so that they can be let go on a whim.

    The employer feels no need to genuinely negotiate when they know that a Liberal or PC government will just legislate the staff back to work.

    • Bill says:

      Adam, thanks for adding a touch of common sense to this issue. It is astounding to me that Libs and Cons see only one possibility: that staff must inevitably be exploited to the point of having to take strike action and that the only resolution is legislating them back to work.

      Perhaps a properly funded educational system, decent and enforced labour legislation, and good faith bargaining by the employer would eliminate labour disruption in education such that #ONDP=an end to strikes.

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